Tip Tuesday — Don’t make it harder than it is!

Pam Thornton
Name Net Worth
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2017

Do you consider yourself a shy person? Does walking into a room full of people you don’t know give you extreme anxiety? This happens to many of us and you don’t have to be an “introvert” to have these feelings. This is a normal feeling for people, even the “extrovert” can feel like this. Believe it or not! We find comfort in what we know and talking to strangers is something our parents always told us not to do, so it isn’t surprising that this can feel unnatural.

Anxiety in big crowds can be challenging, but there are ways to overcome it! Consider going to an event with someone you know, so that you aren’t going at it alone. There is comfort in numbers and if you know at least one person in a room full of strangers, together, it will be easier to meet new people.

Often at events there is the option to have a cocktail. This can definitely calm the anxiety down a notch. Be careful! Remember not to overdo it. You want people to get to know the real you, not your tipsy alter ego.

If you have to go to the event alone and are dreading it, get there early. You will make friends immediately with the hosts of the event. They will welcome you and you will have already made some connections. This is one way to ease into it, meet some people and watch the room fill up around you!

