Tip Tuesday — Follow up!

Pam Thornton
Name Net Worth
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2017

So what happens after the first date? In the spirit of today being Valentine’s Day, I thought I would share some thoughts on how dating has some similarities to networking. There are some critical things that need to happen when you meet with someone. I know it may sound funny, we don’t worry about the kiss at the end of a meeting or networking event, but many of the same concepts of dating do apply!

There is a courtship! Whether you are meeting someone for the first time randomly or if you have planned the meeting, you always have to be concerned about the first impression that you are making. Would you want to show up sloppy on first date? Probably not. Be your best self. First impressions pave, the way for future meetings and reciprocal relationships.

Be engaged! Ever been on a date with someone who clearly wasn’t present? Even if you don’t hit it off from the first moment with the person you just met, recognize that every minute you are spending is an investment. Sometimes it takes a while to find common ground. Being a good listener, asking questions about the other person and showing interest in what the other person is saying shows that you are engaged.

Follow up and seal the deal! If the first date went well, you can’t wait for the next one. One of two things happens, you ask while you are on the date, “When can we meet again?” Or, you graciously thank the person for a nice time and move on. The same thing happens when you are networking. You must set the stage for the next meeting. Either set a day and time in the moment or please, follow up after! There is nothing worse than spending time making a connection with someone and then not following up!

