Tip Tuesday — Sphere of Influence

Pam Thornton
Name Net Worth
Published in
1 min readFeb 22, 2017

It’s true that you can meet new people all of the time and just about anywhere and building relationships with them is easy if you are in the right frame of mind. This means that even when you are at an event with family or out with friends at a party that the opportunities to build your network are endless!

This can be tricky too. What if we just want to be alone and not interact with anyone? Well, in this case you just need to stay home. You just never know who you are going to meet when you are out. Have you ever run into someone in a place that you wouldn’t at all have expected them to be? This is what I am talking about. This can be a huge win if you recognize that connecting with people is a full-time job and that there are really no days off. This happens naturally. We all just need to be open to it!

