AI writes about AI: How AI is Going to Change Job Market

Ceyhun Derinbogaz
Published in
4 min readJan 8, 2020
Will people lose their jobs to AI?

DISCLAIMER: I have been toying with the idea of using an AI to create articles like the following and the results are weirdly accurate sometimes. Enjoy the AI written article :)

It will change how jobs are created and how companies are able to fill them.

There will be many jobs that will become obsolete within the next five years. And, of course, as the technology improves and AI becomes better at creating jobs, it will also empower our economy to generate more economic growth, create jobs and create jobs of all kinds.

So the process of automation is inevitable, and I don’t see any surprise, because we are the winners of the most advanced technological advances in human history.

You might very well go to work as a truck driver, or a pilot, or something of that nature. What would you do? You’re not only on your feet for eight hours a day — you’re doing a lot of work. And these are jobs that require a lot of skills and a lot of dedication. And once you have that many skills, what you get is a lot of money, because it’s all about relationships. But you’re not going to be able to see them, so you have to earn your way.

What’s the job now?

But I think the most important thing people should realize is that if you have a company that has many of the top 10 employees, and the top 100 employees, and the top 1 percent, then you have something that can create jobs for lots of people. It’s true that we are not going to replace the way I do it here, because at some point, I am going to go away. But I want you to remember that that’s just the beginning.

AI is going to make us smarter. That’s the big thing. It’s going to bring about the merging of many of the potential skills, and it is going to make us more productive in a way that we haven’t seen before.

Being Human In The Age of AI

The book called, “Life 3.0 by Mark Tegmark”, details how enterprises have begun to embrace AI as a powerful tool for creating value. You can check out the book over here: “Life 3.0 by Mark Tegmark”

The lawsuits over Mark Zuckerberg’s acquisition of Instagram are a study in how tech will work for you, whether you are Jim Jeffries, the CEO of Tesla, or Warren Buffett.

I would say, I think, from the perspective of the highly intelligent, this whole dark cloud of technological unemployment is going to go away. Because this is really an artificial disability. It was created by technology. It has been developed over the last half of the 20th century.

It is a kind of a technology in which there is not a lot of knowledge, and where the only thing you can do is try to get people to engage in whatever medium of “action” they choose. And you need to happen on a large scale. And I think that’s where the future is going to go, and, as mentioned, in some areas it will even be AI.

What’s the status of Uber, which Uber seems to have abandoned after $16 billion in losses?

Is it going to come back? I don’t know. I don’t think so. I think the history of Uber is basically one of failing. And, of course, it has to do with the fact that the disruptive forces have been in the past. Google operated for 35 years, and nobody looks at it as an old technology.

But when Google was an old technology and was disrupting things, they were not going to do it over night. If you’re the sort of a local entrepreneur who is working in the car industry, you have to be smart about how you get into the technology business, because that’s the only way you can be successful in the long term. The technology is going to change, but it will radically change. So if you are going to be successful, you have to be with the technology at the beginning.

Uber has been volatile enough to rely on the technology to reach that point in the future. And they are still operating, obviously, while Tesla has the technology to go live in an area with thousands of people with their AI driver. Same will happen with Uber as well and then Uber will start disrupting by getting rid of its drivers. That will be the start of AI revolution.



Ceyhun Derinbogaz

Co-Founder at TextCortex AI | Engineer/Entrepreneur who loves to build, write and code. 1x exit.