Choosing The Right Domain Name For Your Unborn Project

Ceyhun Derinbogaz
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2020
Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

Whenever I start working on a project I always think about possible branding that my project is going to have. It is an exciting and tedious task in the same time. If you are like me, then you will have many questions in your mind like I do:

  1. Should I use the same domain for my product and company?
  2. Does it make sense to go for a domain name that doesn’t have a meaning or should I just go for something that makes sense?
  3. Where to register my domain?
  4. Should I pay for domain names for sale from 3rd parties?

These are very valid questions and in the same time you should definetly decide carefully about them. In the end the name you gonna choose is going to reflect your brand identity.

So Let’s dive into the questions step by step and find you the perfect name!

  1. Go with same if you are not planning to have multiple products from the same company in near future.

2. Go for something makes sense as a name. Made up names such as xorro or something like that won’t have lots of room for SEO. Google ranks websites also based on their domain name. So its best that you choose a domain name that makes sense and related to the content of your website.

3., and are great alternatives and all of them offer great support for registering your domain.

4. Definetly NOT! Web is still full of great domain names waiting to be registered for around 10$. If you are starting a new project, be careful about how you are spending your hard earned dollars. There is no reason for paying thousand dollars for a domain.

So looking at all this steps to consider, it will be a time consuming task to find the perfect name. If you don’t want to spend time on domain name search game, you can hire a digital marketing agency to do the job.

There is also a free option. You can generate some domain names that are created by an Artificial Intelligence at Just open the website and give some keywords related to your business, project or blog etc. Search bar will give you many options to choose from and the good side is: they are all available so that you can decide in shorter time!

We — engineers at domain name generator NameKrea, trained deep learning models to come up with the best available domain names plus headlines that you can use for improving your SEO. Hopefully it will make your finding the perfect name quest, cheaper and faster!



Ceyhun Derinbogaz

Co-Founder at TextCortex AI | Engineer/Entrepreneur who loves to build, write and code. 1x exit.