Names with stories: The story behind

Monika Stankova
Names With Stories
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2022

Dedoco is a digital DMaaS (document management-as-a-service) platform, that focuses on protecting data privacy and document security for companies, leveraging on blockchain technology.

We talked with Daphne Ng, Co-Founder and CEO of Dedoco, about the origin of the brand name and why getting the exact brand match domain name was crucial to them.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how Dedoco got started?

I am Daphne Ng, Co-Founder and CEO of Dedoco, which stands for Decentralized Document Connector. My co-founder Ernie and I came from blockchain and enterprise sales backgrounds, respectively. From our combined experience, there was a distinct gap in the market relating to privacy protection and document security requirements that regulated industries like banks and financial institutions needed to comply with. Dedoco was formed to solve some of these critical pain points that businesses face by leveraging blockchain technology in the most elegant way, to solve some of these concerns relating to trust and security.

Apart from Dedoco, no other company was able to achieve this in a way that makes the technology understandable and accessible for easy adoption by businesses. We believe that the future of technology is about giving users full control of their data/documents, and this is Dedoco’s core decentralized value proposition — an antithesis of all centralized, legacy, and incumbent solutions.

How did you get the domain name? Was there an “aha” moment when you knew it is the one?

It was both an unassuming and serendipitous exercise for us. I remember using an online word generator that formulated catchy names that were made up of a plethora of words that we inputted to describe our company.

Out of all the potential names that were generated, Dedoco was the only name that had a ‘nice ring’ to it and was still available with a .com domain, which was our top priority.

- Daphne Ng, Co-Founder & CEO of Dedoco

As a matter of fact, ‘doco’ is also an abbreviation for software or technical documentation. And with Dedoco in its full articulation that describes exactly who we are and what we do, i.e. connecting and converting Web2 documents and systems to Web3, we knew that this was ‘The One’.

What value do you think brings to the Dedoco brand? Do you own any other domain names? definitely provides better global accessibility, brand recall and online searchability. Our other sub-domains include Dedoco Verify and Dedoco Hired.

What was the vision and purpose of your company when it first started and how has Dedoco evolved as a brand since?

Our vision and purpose remains the same since day 01.

Dedoco’s vision is to be the next-generation document infrastructure platform that provides privacy protection and document security to businesses, leveraging on blockchain technology. We want to give our users the freedom of choice and have full control and ownership over their documents.

In your area of expertise, what are some of the bad brand naming recommendations you’ve heard? is important that a name allows a brand/company enough room to grow, expand and evolve over time.

- Daphne Ng, Co-Founder & CEO of Dedoco

Not exactly bad, but we have had suggestions to include the word “sign” to our name during the early days when we were mistaken for being just a signing solution. In my opinion, it is important that a name allows a brand/company enough room to grow, expand and evolve over time; and in our case, to become an everyday verb as well (like Google).

“Can you dedoco it over to me?”

What do you do to make sure your marketing is effective?

It will definitely be an omni-channel approach. But as an early-stage startup, I have found that positive word-of-mouth marketing is far more superior than standard marketing. Founders also play a part in epitomizing the brand and inspiring followers.

What would your advice be to entrepreneurs who are just starting out?

..a good name can make your vision and purpose come alive.

- Daphne Ng, Co-Founder & CEO of Dedoco

In terms of naming your company, I would go as far as to say that a good name can make your vision and purpose come alive to your stakeholders — shareholders, employees, and customers.

What is next for Dedoco?

We have a few more mountains to accomplish. And we will start by conquering the next one first.

Last thing, if some of our readers have more questions. Where can they reach you online?

Drop me a DM on Daphne’s Linkedin or email me at Daphne’s email.

You can follow Dedoco on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, or visit their website to find out more about the company.

How does your brand name match your company vision? What new horizons can a better name open? Get in touch if you feel your brand deserves a better name, we are always happy to help.

Originally published at on June 6, 2022.

