Names with stories: The story behind
Miguel Ribeiro, Founder & CEO of sheerME, talks about his brand, what are the characteristics of an effective brand name, and why entrepreneurs should value their brand.
Why sheerME?
SheerME means to us, “absolutely for me”, time for me, to take care of my body and mind.
What do you do and how does your brand name fit into it?
We believe more than ever we need our “Me time”, time absolutely for us. The pandemic crisis showed us that our immune system is fragile, and stress is most present in our day to day, so to balance that out we need to take care of ourselves, with better nutrition, exercise, meditation, yoga, mindfulness and our appearance so we feel more confident and strong.
Having said that, there was no discovery platform that could help me find all that is available, taking into account my location, interests and goals. So creating a platform that is absolutely for us, for our needs, to find time for us, was necessary.
SheerME is that platform where you can find, book and pay (with benefits — cashback) all your wellness and beauty needs, made absolutely for you.
What was the process of selecting a brand name like? When did you know this was the one?
Well… this is not an easy task taking into account the time we live in. Most domain names are already chosen, so finding a company name that makes sense in the market segment that you are looking for, says something “meaningful” and is available as a domain .com is a very difficult task.
We knew our mission, that we wanted to make well-being accessible to all in a platform, we also knew that people value “me time”, so when we combined words that made sense to us, we found sheerME and that the domain was available. Those two facts made the choice easier. Once we had the domain name, we started looking into a logo that would be aligned with our mission and that is when we crossed the Enso that we knew had to be our symbol within the logo.
We know it’s not something that is 100% clear to everyone, but once people know what it means, they value more even.
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