Names with stories: The story behind

Kristina Mišić
Names With Stories
Published in
4 min readNov 29, 2020

Dr. Diane Hamilton, the Founder and CEO of Tonerra, talks about the origin of their brand name, how did she get the domain name and why is personalization so important in all aspects of marketing.

What is the story behind Tonerra?

I founded Tonerra as a consulting and media-based company to help organizations with behavioral issues in the workplace. I had taught more than 1000 business courses online and loved the idea of training and education. I had written my doctoral dissertation on emotional intelligence and wanted to bring that behavioral knowledge into a consulting and speaking practice. To add to my knowledge, I created my nationally syndicated radio show, Take the Lead with Dr. Diane Hamilton. On that platform, I interview some of the top thought leaders of our time. At Tonerra, we are curious and share information we learn from that curiosity through shows, training, speaking, and consulting.

When did you start thinking about your brand name and how did you settle on Tonerra?

I started thinking about my brand when I was the MBA Program Chair at the Forbes School of Business. I had written a brand publishing course there and used that knowledge as well as the knowledge I had in social media training to develop the brand of Dr. Diane Hamilton. That brand is a DBA of Tonerra.

How did you get the domain name for your brand? Why did you select that one exactly?

I use GoDaddy to get my domain names. My daughters’ names are Terra and Toni. I combined them. I have combined names for my LLCs in the past and I liked the thought of leaving a legacy of knowledge to them.

My daughters’ names are Terra and Toni. I combined them. I have combined names for my LLCs in the past and I liked the thought of leaving a legacy of knowledge to them.

How has owning affected your business? Do you own any other domain names?

I get more exposure for my brand of Dr. Diane Hamilton than for Tonerra specifically. However, I wanted an overall umbrella company for my different types of offerings. I own other domain names like and for my assessments.

Who is your target customer and how is your brand name helping in reaching them?

My target customer includes c-level executives, consultants, and HR professionals. My company helps them develop curiosity and perception skills to become more innovative, engaged, and productive.

How do you keep your brand consistent across different channels online and offline?

Since I am my brand, it is pretty easy to keep that consistent. However, I use social media differently. For example on Instagram, I post more about personal experiences than I would on LinkedIn where I focus on business experience.

Has the pandemic affected your company in any way? What has changed since?

I have almost always worked virtually, so the only change has been for my speaking engagements, which have been moved virtually.

What do you do to make sure your marketing is effective?

I ensure that my message is personalized to the customer. I focus on showcasing other individuals’ work, especially when interviewing on my show. I spend time sharing information, which leads to others sharing my information.

What would your advice be to entrepreneurs who are just starting out, in general, and when it comes to branding and naming?

Be sure you like the name because you will have it for a long time. Consider how it translates into other languages and its meaning. When branding yourself, focus on what your brand can do for others.

Be sure you like the name because you will have it for a long time.

Where do you see your business in the future and how does your brand name fit into that vision?

I have added some partnerships like the one I have with Dr. Gilda Carle at and with Dr. Maja Zelihic at Both companies rely on the positive influence of the Dr. Diane Hamilton brand.

We hope this will be of use to you in the process of getting your perfect domain name. If you have any questions, need any help, or just want to chat with someone about the process, book a free consultation at MarkUpgrade. We are always happy to hear from you.

See more about Tonerra.

Originally published at on November 29, 2020.

