Active mobile lines rise to 139 million in August

Written by News Agency of Nigeria

Nan Data Desk
NAN Data Desk
2 min readOct 10, 2017


The number of active lines has increased to 139 million in August compared to July which recorded 138.

The Nigerian Communications Commission, in its monthly Subscriber Operator Date made available on its website, said that the figure showed an increase of 295,685 in August.

The Code Division Multiple Access had 217,566 users in August same with the result in July.

The report said that the Fixed Wire Less for August was 142,478 and 142, 262 in July recording an increase of 216.

According to the report, Voice Over Internet Protocol for August was 56,900, while in July it was 53,297 recording an increase of 3, 603.

Teledensity for August was 99.60 and July 99.39 recording an increase 0.21.

Teledensity is the number of telephone connections for every hundred individuals living within an area. It varies widely across the nation.

The NCC said that the number of connected lines in August was 236,603,992 million and for July it was 237,629,645 million showing a decrease of 102,565.3.

The Code Division Multiple Access had 3.586.095 million in August same with July.

The number of fixed wireless for August was 375,740 as against 376.437 recording a decrease of 697.

According to NCC, Voice Over Internet Protocol for August was 203,232, while that of July was 190,450 recording an increase 12, 782.

Originally published at on October 10, 2017.

