The story of online community platform “Yay!”: part two.

nanameue, Inc.
Published in
4 min readFeb 20, 2020

If you are interested in reading about the idea and mission statement behind Nanameue's community application "Yay!", please check the first part of this post:

Today I would like to continue explaining what Nanameue's original social network service Yay! is and how it functions.

First of all, the application is based on the concept of microblogging+community: onto the timeline as well as their own individual page users are posting their short messages, photos or videos. Three main pillars of user interaction in Yay! are:

1. Timeline posting

2. Personal communication (one on one and chat groups; age confirmed users only)

3. Communities based on hobbies and likes (we call them "circles")

Now, let me briefly explain how they work and what makes Yay! special among other social media apps.


First of all, when you sign up for your Yay! account, virtually all Yay! users of the same age group are already there to greet you: not just the ones that are following you. (There are, of course, some age restrictions to make sure for the safety of the users who are still minors)

This general + following timeline is a huge point of difference between Yay! and other microblogs like Twitter, as users are more likely to get involved in conversations and connect to similar users from outside of their social media circle.

Through timeline posting users are exchanging text posts, comment on and reblog others' posts; post pictures and videos (with some safety restrictions); as well as post group call invitations: anyone can join in the call and talk together - this is also a unique way to get to know others that is very popular with Yay! users.

Chatting and calls

For those users who have completed their age verification process, one on one communication is available: you can use Yay! as a private chat and calling application, as well as make group chat rooms and calls.

We are implementing many security measures in order to make sure that Yay! is a safe and comfortable virtual space for everyone. The age verification process is a part of it; our customer success team is always there to respond to misbehavior reports.

Additionally, we are also using AI recognition systems for scanning posts and messages for unsuitable content, especially from those users who have recent ban history. This allows us to have an ever-evolving security system and make our users feel at ease & at home

Personal chat and personal page screenshots.


One of the most unique and well-loved ways that our users connect with others is communities dedicated to discussing various interests, which we call "circles". (That's how after-school clubs are called in Japanese schools⚾️)

Users can pick a category that aligns with your interests (for example, anime, reading, sports, idols et cetera) and browse from a list of already existing circles; or, after gaining a certain amount of followers, one can make their own circle, public or private. Circles are lively communities where users interact surrounding a certain subject, chat in an atmosphere slightly more private than through timeline, and exercise their creativity: personally, my favorite circles are those where people post their art, or write short stories exactly 200 symbols long; help each other with homework and give each other advice on different issues. This type of community building is similar to Facebook groups, but are more open and easy to reach because of the circle categorization system.

There is so much more you can do in Yay!.

...Today I have explained only the most basic functions. If you are interested to check the app out for yourself, feel free to use the links below:

App Store, Google Play and Web version (currently (feb 2020), all versions are available in Japanese language only). If you have any questions regarding Yay!, please leave a comment or contact us at

Thank you for attention and see you later✌️



nanameue, Inc.
