Ideas Are Useless! Execution Is Everything.

Nana Prempeh
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2018

Lesson 1. All startups begun with an idea, ideas are like seeds that need to be planted to grow. This week, list 10 ideas (seeds) you think will make a good business, capture them here in the idea bank.

The second thing I need to understand in the life of an entrepreneur is that, ideas are useless, but execution is everything. Ideation is a stage of developing a business. It’s like a farmer with seeds, the seeds are ideas. If the farmer doesn’t go out into the hot scorching tropical sun, till the soil, plant the seed, and tenderly take care of it till it bear fruits, the seeds will be forever useless. Like wise your idea. So in listing the top 10 ideas you think will make a good business, I must remember that it’s just a stage in the process.

Listen to how Nana Kwame Bediako, founder of Wonder World and CEO of Petronia City focuses more on doing rather than the idea only.

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