NANG 5: Note

Davide Cazzaro
NANG magazine
2 min readMay 29, 2019


What follows is a short opening text penned by yours truly and first published in Issue 5 of the magazine (pp. 2–3).

For me, one of the most exciting aspects of publishing lies in its fundamental link to some of the finest characteristics of humans: memory, wonder, learning and sharing. It’s these very characteristics I attempt to nurture, and be nurtured by, as I continue to work as a small independent publisher (and I am by no means alone in this). In the context of the film magazine you hold in your hands, this has meant not just interrogating its meaning, purpose, and the numerous shards it is comprised of, but also to embrace new and unconventional ways of delving into Asia’s cinema and cinema culture.

A focus on (cinematic) inspiration — and, with it, on the Asian films/figures that have prompted certain individuals to pursue filmmaking in the first place, or have informed creative approaches more generally — is undoubtedly one such way. I consider myself fortunate to be able to proffer here what guest editors Goran Topalovic and Eric Choi have garnered with rigorous and dedicated effort.

Inspiration pertains to the circuits of the brain and the generative part of our thinking. With reference to the root sense of the word, we may think of it as the “breathing in” moment of every creative process. For this reason, inspiration can also serve as a medium through which to understand more about someone’s life and work, and I hope you will enjoy discovering the wealth of insights and material that await in the following pages as much as we enjoyed putting them together.

Thanks to all participating filmmakers for generously unpacking their “cinematic libraries” and to all those who granted permission to reproduce copyrighted material or provided advice and assistance during what was almost a year-long period of preparation. Lastly, but certainly not least, many thanks, dear readers, for your continuing interest and support. Let me pose to you the same “jumping-off” question with which Goran and Eric began their work: Who or what inspired you to become who you are today?

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Davide Cazzaro
NANG magazine

Independent cinema publisher. Film critic and researcher specializing in Asian cinema. Editor-in-Chief of NANG |