BitCashxNANJCOIN Collaboration Comes to an End

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5 min readOct 5, 2018

The BitCashxNANJCOIN Collaboration Campaign Page is here.(

The BitCashxNANJCOIN collaboration to support CYCLOPS athlete gaming at COMBO BREAKER 2018 has successfully come to an end.
We’d like to thank everyone who supported with your cheers and donations.

Tournament Results

Fenritti — 1st Place

Dogura — 7th Place(Tie)

GO1–2nd Place
Dogura — 3rd Place
Fenritti — 7th Place(Tie)

Thanks to his efforts in this tournament, Fenritti has been invited to the Summit of Power.
GO1 and Dogura already had their invitations to the Summit of Power confirmed due to their results from previous tournaments.
(*Summit of Power is an invite-only DBFZ tournament, where the strongest fighters gather to determine who’s best.)

As you can see above, The three players gave all that they had and put on a great show at the tournament.

Donation Results

The Number of NANJCOIN Donations

The number of donations made during this project is as follows:

Dogura — 6,491,965 NANJ Received
GO1–6,971,856 NANJ Received
Fenritti — 6,635,034 NANJ Received

The scale of COMBO BREAKER is large, so only matches at tables equipped with streaming devices were broadcast. During the pool stages, matches were rarely streamed live.

It is impressive that this many donations were made, considering that the tournament is just 3 days long and only a select number of matches were broadcast.

Total Amount Donated

The combined donations received by all three athletes totaled approximately 20,094,310NANJ, or, going by the values at that time, approximately $35,000.

Average: 34,058 NANJ
Median: 2,000 NANJ
Mode: 1,000 NANJ

There was one donation of 2,000,000 NANJ made.
While there were 6 large donations of 1,000,000 NANJ, there were also many smaller donations made, with there being 81 donations of 1,000 NANJ, 51 donations of 10,000 NANJ, 45 donations of 5,000 NANJ, as well as others.

Progression of Donations

Donations that were made during this project progressed as is seen below.

BitCashxNANJCOIN Collaboration Project Donation Progression








As you can see, a large number of donations were made when the project began, as well as when high level matches were taking place.

The Players’ Graciousness Excites both NANJ Fans and NANJCOIN Management

Athletes Visit the NANJCOIN Discord

Regardless of the fact that they were in the middle of a tournament, CYCLOPS athletes made time to stop by the official NANJCOIN Discord server several times to chat with NANJ holders. This left a big impression on the community.


▲This is an abridged version of the kind of things Dogura and GO1 were saying during their visits.

They would leave comments reporting on everything from qualifications, victories, and even losses. Their comments helped to further excite the spectators, whose enthusiasm may have even helped to bring more excitement to the players themselves.

The thrilling matches coupled with the kindness of the athletes saw the e-sports channel of the official NANJCOIN Discord server rising to a crescendo of activity.

Many members of the community who were previously uninterested in e-sports voiced their opinions saying “I had a great time”, “This project got me into e-sports”, and “I hope you do this again”.

I think that there are more than a few people who learned how fun it can be to support athletes directly, thanks to this project. On top of that, the athletes themselves came through with the appropriate amount of fan service to create the ideal environment for a project like this.

NANJCOIN Shown During the Livestream

CYCLOPS athletes showed off their NANJ stickers and real NANJCOIN during the livestreams when they won their matches and when they received their awards.
We are very thankful for this gesture.

Fenritti accepts his prize for 7th place in DBFZ

Dogura and GO1 accept their prizes for 3rd and 2nd place, respectively, in DBFZ.

▲Fenritti holds up a real NANJCOIN alongside his BBCF championship trophy

You can see the heated final match and watch him accept his award here

▲Dogura points to a sticker of the NANJ logo on his arcade stick after a win

▲A victorious GO1 flaunting his real NANJCOIN

▲Fenritti & Dogura

I suspect that the CYCLOPS athletes stole the hearts of many e-sports fans during the COMBO BREAKER tournament this year. New fans captivated by these magnetic athletes are now searching out information old and new after seeing them in competition.

You might say that this project was the perfect chance for fans and players alike to influence each other in several different ways.

We can’t wait to see what the CYCLOPS athletes have in store for the future.
We’re also looking forward to seeing continued growth in the e-sports industry.


We would like to thank BitCash Inc, eSports connect, CYCLOPS athlete gaming, Dogura, GO1, Fenritti, and everyone who supported this project.

Unfortunately, due to health reasons, Tanukana was unable to participate in this tournament. We hope she can get back in top shape and continue being active along with her CYCLOPS teammates.

Thank you very much.

You can obtain all of the data relating to the donations made during this project as a CSV file at For those of you interested, just press “Download CSV Export” on the bottom of the page to download the file.







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