Changes to the way we release information and a potential American Ambassador

Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2018

Hello, Daisuke aka Yabo-san here.

I’m writing this blog while looking out on to the beach in Da Nang, Vietnam.
I love Japan, so before I go to bed and just after I wake up I get really homesick.

Here are some bullet points to give you the gist of the article ahead of time:

  • The blog will be updated more frequently(the blog will be emphasized as a center for important updates)
  • Updates will be released in three languages: Japanese, English, and Chinese(Important information will be released simultaneously)
  • We’re currently considering having an American Ambassador for NANJ

Increasing blog post frequency

Just as the title says, we will be increasing the frequency of blog updates in order to make it easier for everyone to access important information and updates. Until now we have put our focus on Twitter and Discord for important updates, using the blog only sparsely. I’d like to change that.

Upon analyzing the community activity of various coins, I’ve come to realize that making frequent updates and keeping the community well informed are of the utmost importance.

We must keep our eyes open and learn from new experiences.

Some management teams think egotistically. “We’re working hard behind the scenes. They’ll understand.” They say.

I’m sorry to say that NANJ was guilty of the same thought pattern.

We may have only been giving attention to the users who were showing a deeper understanding of what was going on.

I thought about how professional I’ve been up until now and decided that I want to be as professional as I possibly can.

From here on out, to the best of our ability we will make blog posts available in 3 languages(Japanese, English, and Chinese) and release blog posts on important subjects simultaneously in all three languages.

For the time being, simultaneous posts will be made for press releases and campaign related information.

That being said, I’d like to have all posts be released at the same time in at least Japanese and English, but to make that happen I’ll have to fight the urge to post blogs before an English translation can be written.

Our potential American Ambassador

I’ve been getting a lot of questions so I think it’s important that I clear some things up here.

This all began with our trip to America a couple weeks ago.

We came to the conclusion that if we want spread usage and continue developing overseas, everything would go a lot smoother if we decided on someone to lead those activities in each country.

By giving them a title that was straightforward, we could make it easier for them make moves as well.

Many of you encouraged us to do more to bring in people from overseas into the community, however I was unclear as to the merits of bringing in people from abroad and I also thought that it would be difficult to get them to understand our vision for NANJ.

I even spotted some people talking about bringing in people from other countries with negative connotations, as if they wanted to say “bring in some suckers from overseas” which added to my hesitance to engage an international crowd more fully.

However, my attitude changed after meeting some people who truly understood the vision of NANJ and were willing to help spread use of the token locally by using means more familiar to the people of those countries.

We have yet to decide on who this person(or these people) will be, but we will make that decision when the time to do so comes.

We are in the process of having meetings to create an environment in which we can make this a reality.




“スポーツに関わる全ての人をつなげるドアを創る” 仮想通貨NANJCOINについての情報を発信していきます。 日本語記事一覧はこちら