【Translation】COINPOST article on September 3, 2018

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8 min readOct 11, 2018

This article is a translation of the article of COINPOST posted on September 3. https://coinpost.jp/?p=44090

NANJ SDK Official Release: How will it change the future of Crypto?|An interview with NANJ’s Mr. Hirota and Mr. Ono

・NANJ SDK and Web API is officially released

On August 22, the NANJ Corporation, the driving force behind NANJCOIN, released the NANJ SDK and Web API. With 4 months of development behind it the NANJ SDK is complete and has been released on schedule. A world first, this system will allow Ethereum tokens to make on-chain transactions without the need for GAS. It goes without saying that this will be possible for NANJCOIN, however, with a contract, the functions of the SDK will be available to any Ethereum token.

・Interview with Mr. Hirota(CEO&CMO) and Mr. Ono(CEO&CTO)

Using the opportunity of the NANJ SDK and Web API release, we conducted an e-mail interview with NANJ CEO&CMO Mr. Hirota and NANJ CEO&CTO Mr. Ono. They gave us behind the scenes insight into the project and shared their feelings on the community.

・NANJ Community Meeting on September 15

It has been announced that a NANJ community meeting will be held on September 15 in Tokyo.

NANJ SDK and Web API Official Release


On August 22, the NANJ Corporation, the driving force behind NANJCOIN, released the NANJ SDK and Web API.

Development of the “NANJ SDK Project” began in April, and after 4 months of development the SDK was released on schedule.

On the website for the project the NANJ SDK is described as having “successfully removed many of the problems surrounding cryptocurrency transactions.” Of course these benefits will be available to those making transactions with NANJCOIN, however the SDK’s benefits are also available to any Ethereum token whose management team signs a contract with NANJ.

In a world first(*according to NANJ Corp.), the NANJ SDK will allow Ethereum tokens to make on-chain transactions without the need for GAS. The appeal of this point cannot be underestimated.

NANJ Corporation CEO&CMO Daisuke Hirota says “I am proud to say that the NANJ SDK is a revolutionary system that not only makes developing apps and other services that use cryptocurrency easier, but also lowers the bar for entry into such services.”

CoinPost took the opportunity of this announcement to conduct an e-mail interview with Daisuke Hirota and his fellow board member NANJ CEO and CTO Ryota Ono. Just like last time we got deep insight into NANJ, discussing behind the scenes of the NANJ SDK development, project details, and their feelings towards the community.

Interview with Mr. Hirota(CEO&CMO) and Mr. Ono(CEO&CTO)

Q. Now that the NANJ SDK and Web API have been released, can you tell us about the benefits of these services?

Mr. Ono: Here’s a list of the things that are possible with both the NANJ SDK and Web API:

・Create wallets that operate without the need for GAS

・Send and receive Ethereum tokens without the need for GAS

・Load addresses from QR codes or NFC devices

・Attach a message to transactions

・Reference Yen and Dollar rates

By installing the NANJ SDK/API, developers will be able to provide services that use NANJCOIN or other cooperating tokens. The NANJ SDK, making use of a meta transaction framework championed by uport, removes the GAS burden from the user and places it with our company. As compensation for this, 1% of the NANJ being sent will go to management fees. 0.5% will go to the NANJ Corporation while the remaining 0.5% will go to the developer of the service using the SDK/API. In response to holder demand an upper limit to service fees has been applied. (Currently 5,000NANJ)

The SDK is available for both Android(kotolin) and iOS(swift) operating systems. There is no difference in function between the iOS and Android versions. We were conscious in our efforts to make the SDK easy to call from each language.

As sending tokens requires that signed data be created in various environments, nanjs is required for the Web API, however this is included with the SDK. We foresaw the possibility of the SDK being installed for web services. If the environment allows for the use of node.js, using an encapsulated nanjs is also possible.

Mr. Hirota:
We feel that by creating an environment that makes it easy for everyone to use cryptocurrency services we will be able to rejuvenate both the sports and blockchain businesses. The NANJ SDK and Web API is the foundation that will allow new services to be developed freely and easily, creating a growing base of knowledge. This newfound knowledge can in turn be the impetus for further innovation. We’re anticipating this kind of self-evolving cycle in the token economy.

Q. How has the response been so far? Has the release of the NANJ SDK yielded new business opportunities?

Mr. Ono:
We’ve been flooded with inquiries. More than I could have foreseen. Developer registrations for the test environment is in the triple digits, so we’re anticipating a variety of different services to come out of this. I think anyone would be happy to see interest in something they’ve created, but I am truly happy and thankful for the way this is happening.

Q. Development of the SDK appears to have taken around 4 months. Can you share with us an anecdote about maybe something that was difficult, something you learned, or something that you realized during the development process?

Mr. Ono:
I went back and did more research into the specifics of smart contracts to see if this whole thing was even possible. The knowledge base required is different from that of web development so I had a pretty hard time. The speed of testnet and mainnet are completely different so the wallet creation and transaction costs that I had calculated were way off. If we do something like this again in the future I think we’ll need to have some NANJCOIN for live tests. If you mix dynamic values and smart contracts there are a lot of black boxes and everything gets more complicated so I tried to simplify everything as best as I could.

Mr. Hirota:
I’d say I was given a fresh reminder of the existence of user bias relating to money when we were choosing specifications. Nobody likes fees, especially when they’re made aware of them. In previous economic systems fees were hidden in a very elaborate fashion. Those fees were much larger than 1% as well. More than explaining and getting users to understand the system, I feel that there might be room for rethinking the way we show fees. We could have hidden the fees so that no one could see them, but we felt that was unfair and chose not to employ such a system this time. I’d like to do it this way and see how things work out.

Q. Have you received any inquiries from other projects that want to use the SDK with their Ethereum tokens?

Mr. Ono:
We’ve received inquiries from several projects.

Q. You mention NFC devices. Does that mean it’ll be able to work like a Suica card?

Mr. Ono: At present we’ve limited it to loading in addresses.

From a technical standpoint it is possible to implement touch to pay features like PASMO, SUICA, or Edy, however thinking of potential negative uses we chose to go with only addresses.

Q. QR code standardization is a big topic at the moment. If perhaps QR codes were standardized within Japan would you be able to respond to this swiftly?

Mr. Ono:
Of course.

Q. The fees that app developers and the NANJ Corporation receive combine to equal 1%. Did you have any goal in mind when setting the fees at 1%?

Mr. Ono:
We want it to cover NANJ server costs, wallet creation and transaction GAS fees.

Q. Through the creation of NANJCOIN you were able to meet all the members of the NANJ Corporation, everyone in the NANJ community, new people outside the community, and even release the NANJ SDK and Web API that we’re talking about here today. How does all of this make you feel?

Mr. Hirota:
From January up until now, I’ve continued working while always carrying with me a sense that I’m being guided by something. With the current state of the market some holders are saying that NANJ has bad luck, however on the contrary I think that NANJ is blessed with incredibly good luck. Working hard and being made to think on our feet has only helped to increase our potential. Things will happen in our favor, and things will happen that we weren’t expecting, but if we can enjoy the process I think that we can achieve our goals. This is the way I would like to continue my work.

Q. I frequently visit the NANJ Discord server and I’ve noticed that it’s gotten a lot bigger since our last interview. What do you have to say about the strength of this community?

Mr. Hirota: The number of active users has dropped since our most active period. That being said, a lot of users had ulterior motives during that most active period with speculators and market manipulators showing up to troll people into buying or selling. lol

Those market manipulators jumped from community to community and in the end seem to have disappeared. Those who remain are not only the true NANJ supporters, but there are many people who are helping widen NANJ’s sphere of influence through their own efforts. Resourceful community members have been instrumental in supporting NANJ by becoming event and tournament sponsors, adding original menu items and accepting NANJ payments at their stores, adding the NANJ logo to their uniform/bike/etc and participating in sporting events, etc. We’ve even had members take it upon themselves to negotiate with local assemblies to organize events that connect NANJ with sporting organizations. They’re not just participants in a community. To us they are like friends with whom we are working towards a common goal. We’ve all been together through everything that’s happened these past few months. I’ve analyzed the communities of other tokens and I feel that our community has the most momentum of any community in the country right now. It’s something that I’m proud of and frankly I feel that there is nothing that we can’t do.

Q. With the release of the NANJ SDK and Web API behind you, what is next for NANJ in the immediate future?

Mr. Hirota: One thing we need to do is complete the framework for a system of reinvestment within our economic sphere. We have to create a framework of continuous support for cutting-edge sports businesses, junior sports, and para-sports to build a firm foundation for this economic sphere. Another thing that we’re planning to do is finally realize our long-awaited venture into real sports.

We already have partners in the wonderful world of e-sports, but we plan use blockchain technology to implement systems that can create new value within the traditional sports businesses that may be less willing to adapt.

On the subject of a domestic listing, I think it’s a problem of communication and timing.
NANJCOIN has a lot of Japanese holders, and is even hailed as the 2nd MONACOIN(some people want to call it that lol), so by listing NANJCOIN a domestic exchange would potentially become more notable and expand its user base. We will continue communicating with the appropriate organizations while keeping an eye on the regulation trends, but that for which there is no demand will not be selected. I’m not just preaching what I can’t practice, I have an honest desire to create a system with undeniable value.

Q. Do you have any final thoughts to share with CoinPost users and NANJ community members?

Mr. Hirota: Regardless of what you’re dealing with, the growth period is always the most exciting part.

Let’s enjoy that period together.

NANJ Community Meeting on September 15

It has been announced that NANJCOIN will hold a community meeting on September 15.

*translation — -

We’ve opened registrations for people who’d like to attend the September 15 NANJ Community Meeting. Those who wish to attend please fill out this form by September 9 at 11:59PM(JST). We may close registrations early if we reach 200 participants before the deadline.

— -end


Saturday September 15

Doors open at 4:30PM

Event is from 5:00PM to 7:00PM


Nagatacho GRID
2–5–3 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

How much?


Those who wish to attend please fill out 「this form」by September 9 at 11:59PM(JST).




“スポーツに関わる全ての人をつなげるドアを創る” 仮想通貨NANJCOINについての情報を発信していきます。 https://nanjcoin.com/ 日本語記事一覧はこちら https://medium.com/nanjcoin/latest