Why doesn’t NANJ have its own platform?

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4 min readOct 11, 2018

Hello everyone. Daisuke Hirota here again.

Thanks again to everyone who attended and watched the stream of the event on 9/15.

Being able to deliver my message at an event like that had me thinking that what’s important is not always what you do, but sometimes what you don’t do. Today I’d like to talk about something that we’re not doing and how it will affect the future of NANJ.


The optimum distance is different for fans and athletes(teams).
This optimum distance is something that should be decided depending on the relationship between athletes/teams and their specific groups of fans.
NANJ would like to become the manual and foundation on top of which these relationships can be created.

An idea anyone could come up with

When I first got involved with NANJCOIN I had this vague dream for something new in sports. “If fans and players interacted more tipping would increase… “ is what I was thinking. Tipping…that’s takes action. It doesn’t exist on it’s own. You need a motive or to able to get some kind of result from doing it. What kind of motives and results would NANJ Users require of athletes and teams for them to start tipping?

What sort of plan would be required to facilitate this smoothly?

There’s this great live streaming app called Showroom. On Showroom the streamers themselves become the content. Fans send them gifts(a version of tipping geared to comply with legal regulations), and the streamer creates a new stream of income.

*This is a simplified explanation of the system.

This kind of business model is quite prevalent. I’m sure a major player will release a sports+cryptocurrency video streaming service at some point.
Athletes receiving tips by directly connecting with fans through video streaming services is a fairly straightforward and simple business model. As successful examples already exist, this model will surely be applicable to other fields as well.

Many of you are probably already saying “well hurry up and make a NANJ streaming service!”, however we have no plans to create such a platform.
We came to that conclusion while having serious discussions with athletes, teams, and business men and women in sports related businesses.

Optimum distance is different for everyone

Let’s say that in one business model the streamers and the fans have a very close relationship. At first glance it sounds like a great idea. The ideal relationship. With just that initial reaction many athletes would probably welcome it with open arms. However, once put into action some problems arise and many begin to push back.

“The fans are smothering me, I don’t like it”

I think both sides of this argument have valid points.
I think that teams in Japan manage players too strictly, and that a closer relationship between athlete and fan is necessary in making the athletes feel more valuable to fans. I have gotten pretty angry over this in the past.

There are an endless number of counter arguments you could make, but first I think it would constructive to think about it from the perspective of the athletes and imagine the vague concept of the distance between you and your fans.

Some cons that come out of having too close of a relationship with your fans:

  1. Stress and anxiety

2. Negative viral moments

3. Loss of balance

These are some human relationship problems that result from establishing a closer relationship. Human relationships are a major problem. These days lectures are held to teach athletes how to avoid making social media blunders, but human relationship problems stem from the personal qualities of the individual. For some people, simply interacting with others can be a stressful experience. Whether an athlete or just an average citizen, stress leads to a decrease in performance.

An example of a “loss of balance” would be an athlete who receives money by connecting with fans through a streaming service starting to lose sight of their performance as an athlete in favor of their performance as a video performer.

This example made me laugh a bit, but it’s certainly not an impossibility.

Having spoken with various people in sports this past six months, one thing I felt is that sports teams hate uncontrollable environments. They have a point, in that, like the butterfly effect, a given cause does not necessarily have a predictable effect. This is especially true when it comes to human relationships. There may also be uncomfortable situations arising from cases of one thing being permitted for one person but not for another.

On an individual level some athletes say things like “if you’re a pro you’ll put in the work to create value”
and “I think it’d be fun if I could be successful making money as a performer.” However, this is just a kind of macho boredom.

We could try to push a more intimate video platform just for those interested in such a thing, or we could offer something more bendable to the needs of the individual. A business model stemming from the free transfer of value that even the kind of people who are more hesitant to engage in these types of interactions can freely use as they see fit. You may be surprised to hear that a large number of those involved in sports businesses are interested in the level of freedom of value transfer that cryptocurrencies have to offer.

The needs of such a model can be described as:

the desire to introduce new elements to a controllable environment while maintaining the optimum distance between fans and athletes.

In this instance what we will provide is the methods and knowledge required to create this kind of relationship on a case by case basis.


The distance in fan-athlete relationships can go from meet and greet events, video streams, social media, website/app posts, to even more distant interactions. What will be necessary depends on the needs of the individual. The transfer of value, one of the fundamental functions of cryptocurrency, can be implemented regardless of the distance involved in these interactions.

With NANJCOIN, I think new fan experiences outside of “intimate communication” can and will be created.




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