A Special NaNoWriMo Writing Prompt for #GivingTuesday (from Grammar Girl)

Mignon Fogarty
Friends of National Novel Writing Month
2 min readNov 29, 2016

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is one of my favorite organizations — so much so that I’m a member of the NaNoWriMo Writers Board.

I love it so much, that I have two NaNoWriMo-related things for you today:

  1. A writing prompt (because writing prompts help you move forward and get your creative juices flowing).
  2. A reminder to donate to the nonprofit organization behind NaNoWriMo (because your donations make NaNoWriMo possible, not just for adult participants, but also for the many children who participate in NaNoWriMo programs through their schools).


In my book, Grammar Girl’s Quick And Dirty Tips For Better Writing, I encourage you to make your own writing prompts by picking random posts from your Twitter feed and using them to write a coherent story.

Unfortunately, since the election, my Twitter feed is almost nothing but politics. Unless your feed is different, or you’re writing a dystopian novel, try this instead:

Look through the Most Recent or Most Popular posts on the Quick and Dirty Tips website. Pick two or three that interest you, such as these:

Challenge yourself to take two of these topics and use them in your novel.


Even if you’re not doing NaNoWriMo this year, you can participate by writing a microstory using two of the prompts. Do it right here as a response.

Or support participants by highlighting your favorite lines in their responses and recommending their posts.


Remember to donate to National Novel Writing Month. Your donation helps bring unbridled creativity to more than 100,000 K―12 students around the world. Even a $10 donation makes a difference.

Watch this video to see how transformative NaNoWriMo can be for students.

Donate now.

And when you’re finished with your manuscript and ready to start editing, visit the Grammar Girl website for answers to all your questions about writing mechanics — where to use commas, affect or effect, and more.

Good luck, writers!



Mignon Fogarty
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

Podcaster. Author. Entrepreneur. Skier. Founder of the Quick and Dirty Tips network. Grammar Pop developer. Peeve Wars creator. http://t.co/Tu6jZocJhx.