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Camp NaNoWriMo + Fifty Thousand Seconds in April

Julie Russell
Friends of National Novel Writing Month
3 min readMar 8, 2016


Counting seconds, because we already have words.

Fabulous ‘Wrimos, in November did you crank out a large volume of words? 10K, 25K, 50K, or more?

Have your November words sat around in your computer or notebook (like mine), waiting patiently for some more attention and interaction? Are the words wondering when you’ll come out to play again?

Yeah, mine too.

What if we did something about that? What if we gave some time and love to the great pile of words we generated in November? And we did it together?

Camp NaNoWriMo starts April 1st. Camp is a choose-your-own-word-count-goal version of the November NaNoWriMo we know and love.

But you and I already have words. A lot of words.

What if we chose to rewrite + edit during Camp NaNoWriMo? What if we chose a goal based on seconds, instead of words?

What if the goal was to dedicate fifty thousand seconds towards rewriting our November novel for the month of April?

Does that sound like a lot? Are you getting out your calculator?

It’s 27.8 minutes/day. It’s totally reasonable. Audacious, perhaps, but reasonable.

But, but, but …?


Yes, you can.

I believe in you. If you peek under the doubt, you believe in yourself too. After all, look how much you wrote in November!

Let’s do this together. Let’s form a Camp NaNoWriMo Bunk and a Slack team, and train our cats/dogs/pet turtles to meow/bark/nip at us until we spend just under 30 minutes a day with our NaNo drafts, tidying them up, getting our characters into more trouble, and adding oxford commas.

You decide how you want to edit. I can’t do that. It would be like choosing your underwear.

But our good friends at National Novel Writing Month have a lot of rewriting resources to assist you.

Let’s be kind, gentle, and firm writing partners to each other, so we can all get from Draft Zero to Draft Next.


Sign up for Camp NaNoWriMo and leave me a private note with your sign-on name + email address.* A Camp NaNoWrimo bunk has up to 12 people. If we go beyond that count, I’ll create a private Slack team where the larger group can chat and support each other throughout the month of April. As of 3/29, the initial bunk is full!



* =To leave a private note, login to Medium, highlight a word or two, then select this the talk bubble/lock icon. ATM Private notes only work on web.



Julie Russell
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

Member of Alabama Street Writing Group | Previous Eng Manager at Medium | Past Board Member of NaNoWriMo nonprofit | Opinions are all & always mine.