The setting of most of my novel

Crossed the 50k word finish line, but not done yet.

#NaNoWriMo, Day 27 & 50,023 words

Julie Russell
2 min readNov 29, 2013


Previous Post: Plodding Along, One Typo At A Time (Day 20)

Mid-sentence and leaving an airport, my characters weren’t aware they crossed a finish line.

Probably because it wasn’t their finish line, it was mine, and their story isn’t done yet so they’d like me to get back to typing.

But not yet, my characters, not yet.

I updated my word count over at, wondering when the bells of success would ring loud and clear. But it’s surprisingly quiet, as the darkness of 5am yields to the light of near 7. Do I wake my family to tell them, as they’ve been so much a part of this journey? Or do I sit here, in the semi-darkness of dawn, my black cat Unagi draped over my legs, anchoring me to this chair and ottoman combo, until I write this, my victory lap of words.

Because this is my victory lap, even if I know there is another marathon to come, because my characters still need an ending. Then editing begins.

I’ll continue to document my journey as I transition from writer to word janitor and clean up the mess I created in November.

But for now, pretend I’m saying the shortest, most poignant Oscar speech you’ve ever heard.

While you do that, I’m going to savor success.

For! The! Win!

p.s. the extra 5,500 words were written in October, in case you were wondering.

Next post: NaNoWriMo is over; now what? (Dec 1)



Julie Russell
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

Member of Alabama Street Writing Group | Previous Eng Manager at Medium | Past Board Member of NaNoWriMo nonprofit | Opinions are all & always mine.