Made it to 50,000 Words? The Next Step After NaNoWriMo…


You’ve done it! With 50,000 words on the page, you have accomplished your National Novel Writing Month goal and written a novel (albeit a rough version). So now what?

I’ve already given some practical advice in an earlier post I wrote for Check it out here.

If what you have written in November is indeed a first draft (rather than a rewrite of an earlier idea), then my best advice is: Favor setting it aside and editing your text to the best of your ability. Have a look at Velvet Morning Press’ tips.

At that point, if your novel falls into the categories we publish at Velvet Morning Press, how about submitting it to us? Check out our submission guidelines.

And whether you’ve reached 5,000 words or 50,000, congratulate yourself. As long as you have an idea and feel inspired to write, you’ve won!

Adria J. Cimino is the author of two soon-to-be released novels and is co-founder of indie publishing house Velvet Morning Press. She spent more than a decade as a journalist at news organizations including The AP and Bloomberg News. Adria writes about her real-life adventures on her blog Adria in Paris.



Adria J. Cimino
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

Author of novel Paris, Rue des Martyrs. American writer, Paris dweller.