Making a Deal With My Inner Editor

Julie Russell
Friends of National Novel Writing Month
2 min readNov 18, 2018


NaNoWriMo, Week 3

sketchbook I use for daily writing

Dear Inner Editor,

Let’s make a deal, an arrangement, an agreement.

November, NaNoWriMo, that is Creator’s month. She and I will write fast and furious, we will use tons of adverbs, we will write messily and sloppily and be open to whatever direction appears before us, interesting and exciting.

We will ignore the rules of punctuation, we will go willy-nilly with verb tenses and typos. We will write run on sentences and use comma splices with wild abandon. At times we will be whiny and complain on the page about life outside the book we are creating.

Creator and I will write every morning. Sometimes we will write at the keyboard, using our favorite no-editing Typewriter app. Sometimes I’ll show up at the black artist’s sketchbook, and write with a pen.

Inner Editor, you will hate this. We know you will hate this, so we ask that you take a vacation for the rest of November. We hear Hawaii and Mexico are nice. Heck, you can rent a virtual AirBnB and critique the condition of the grout in the bathroom, but if you accept this deal, you aren’t allowed to hang out with Creator and I on the page. Not in November.

On December 1, we’ll have a meeting, the three of us. We know you have a discerning eye and a gift for finding…



Julie Russell
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

Member of Alabama Street Writing Group | Previous Eng Manager at Medium | Past Board Member of NaNoWriMo nonprofit | Opinions are all & always mine.