My NaNoWriMo Kit List

During CampNaNoWriMo I came across a number of useful tricks and tools that I used in order to keep me motivated and writing. I thought that I would share with you my packing list for my next NaNo, just in case you want to carry some of these items in your backpack.

  1. The Productivity Challenge Timer App.
The Productivity Challenge App by AXFN

If you have trouble with productivity and don’t mind some tough love, this app is great. You start by creating a new project and deciding upon how long each work session is going to be. After you click upon start work the timer will count down (I generally set mine for a 30 minute block). Once it is complete it will time a break (I set mine for five minutes and 15 minutes for the longer break you gain after your 4th session). Once the break time has elapsed it reminds you to get back to work by blasting you with a very loud and annoying whistle. The text upon the screen makes you feel guilty for slacking. Commit to regular work habits and you will get promoted and unlock achievements. Let those habits slip and with a wah wah wah noise of dismal failure the app will inform you of your demotion. There is also a nifty stats section to see your work habits. This app is available for Android and I Phone.

2. Using the Full Screen Function when writing in Scrivener.

This feature eliminates distractions and creates a calm environment where I can relax and let my imagination run free while I write. You have the ability to set any background picture that you wish. In order to achieve this you need to click upon view, scroll down to full screen backdrop and select choose to select a picture. To enter fullscreen mode you then press the F11 key or click upon the button with the diagonal arrows at the top.

3. Playlists and Trigger Songs.

I am a musician and a music lover, so music has always been an important part of my process. I would love to research how different types of music affect our brain chemistry because I think that the results would be fascinating. Whenever my playlist is set to random and I come across a song that is working for me while I am writing, I immediately send it to my playlist of songs to play while I am working. Using this list during a writing session usually works well. Creating playlists for specific projects also works well. Something else that I have been trying is using a trigger song. Every day during the last CampNaNoWriMo I started off every writing session with the same song. In my case, the song was Wake Me Up by the Korean pop group, B.A.P. The association between this song and writing has become so strong that I swear that whenever I hear it my brain starts screaming at me “Write. Write! Hooray, it’s writing time! Let’s get to it!”. Maybe this is just a personal quirk of mine but for me this works very well.

Honorary mentions: Coffee and herbal tea, dark chocolate, scented wax melts for my writing room, supportive cabin mates/writing buddies to share the experience with and self belief. You Can Do This!

So do you have any tips or tricks to help you with your productivity and flow? I would love to find out so please feel free to share your thoughts below.

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Danielle Nolan
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

Fantasy writer, dragon rider, teacher, musical firefly, otaku, dreamer.