My NaNoWriMo Synopsis - Cover Girl

Madeline Wright
Friends of National Novel Writing Month
2 min readDec 10, 2014

When I saw a call for writers to share their novel’s synopsis in the NaNoWriMo collection on Medium for an added opportunity to get the book they wrote in the month of November published, I thought it was a fantastic way to kick off my posting here on Medium.

2014 NaNoWriMo winner’s banner

Hello, my name is Madeline and in November I completed a challenge to write at least 50,000 words of a novel during National Novel Writing Month. It’s not my first time doing this but it’s the first time in at least three years that I’ve won. If you’d like you can view my author profile. Without further ado...


Seventeen year-old Cambria Davis dreams of attending her top university’s media studies feeder program but is continually reminded that she doesn’t come from a family with money, connections, or university experience. After she applies and learns that she’s selected for the program she’s gutted to find shortly thereafter that her summer in the town of Barren Falls has already been planned. Her Grampy decides to send her brother off to summer camp and taps her as his apprentice in order to pass the family business on. Desiring the freedom to pursue her own future she struggles to find the confidence to take on her most ambitious project yet— saving her town’s only public library.



Madeline Wright
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

a digital media (audio) pro w/ lots to learn. just the way i like it. reader. music maker. writer.