NaNoWriMo Superhero on Medium: Leo, 6th grader

Julie Russell
Friends of National Novel Writing Month
2 min readNov 29, 2017


Welcome to the tenth, and last November episode of NaNoWriMo Superheroes and Superheroines on Medium! In this episode we meet Leo, who completed his first novel last year during NaNo at age 10, and this year said on November 9 to his parents, I have to start writing! November is the month I write a novel. Hear more from Leo about novel writing in the interview, and I hope you’re as inspired as I am by this young writer.

Leo, pondering the nature of penguins.

I asked Leo the same questions as his schoolmates Janet and Adi from Barrington Lloyd-Lovett, Josh Gauthier, and my daughter Ava.

If you leave a response to this post, I’ll make sure Leo sees it.

Thank you so much for listening and clapping to support the nonprofit that makes the Young Writer’s Program and NaNoWriMo possible! You’re awesome!

All funds from this Members-Only post go entirely to the National Novel Writing Month 510(c)(3) nonprofit based in Berkeley, California.

Julie Russell is a Board Member of the National Novel Writing Month nonprofit and the Director of IT at Medium.

She (I) hope you enjoyed this podcast series, as it’s my first time creating one. Now I have to go write 6400 words before midnight tomorrow to make 50K.



Julie Russell
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

Member of Alabama Street Writing Group | Previous Eng Manager at Medium | Past Board Member of NaNoWriMo nonprofit | Opinions are all & always mine.