NaNoWriMo Superhero on Medium: Tim Kim, NaNoWriMo Product Director

Julie Russell
Friends of National Novel Writing Month
2 min readNov 15, 2017


We’re halfway through November, Wrimos! This sixth episode of NaNoWriMo Superheroes and Superheroines on Medium is with Tim Kim, the Product Director for this fantastic writing event. Tim is also writing his twelfth novel during this November!

In this episode Tim answers a question posed by Michael Coorlim, When does planning become procrastination? and a question from my colleague at Medium, Who would you like to see more of participating in NaNoWriMo?

Curious about the pep talk Tim mentioned with Daniel Jose Older? Find it here.

Tim is on Medium, Twitter, and NaNoWriMo.

Thank you to Shelby Gibbs, Dave Beck, Katharine Gripp, rebecca j stern, Grant Faulkner and everyone else at NaNo HQ for everything visible, and especially everything less visible you do behind the scenes for this event and organization.

I’m looking forward to seeing you this Sunday at the Night of Writing Dangerously!



Julie Russell
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

Member of Alabama Street Writing Group | Previous Eng Manager at Medium | Past Board Member of NaNoWriMo nonprofit | Opinions are all & always mine.