NANOWRIMO Tips and Tricks (Day Twenty Two)

Chris Price
Friends of National Novel Writing Month
3 min readNov 22, 2017


Coming out of the Darkest Night with Resolve

The Hero is about to figure out the solution. He is about to understand what he has inside of himself and how he can use it to protect everyone and also make the world a a better place. He can also use this information to take down the evil and hopefully also restore everything that is missing in the world.

This solution did not fall out of the sky. He has been quietly meditating for a while now (some writers might even have had the hero praying) and this solution has come out of this quiet meditation. The quiet meditation has been seen by the audience and has been heard by everyone else that the hero is traveling with. This is something that is easily recognizable and one way that the audience has been able to truly identify with the struggles of the hero.

The solution has also led the hero to find the resolve and use his last bit of energy to move toward the final confrontation with the villain. This is one way that hero can prove himself and actually accomplish his goal. The grit that he is able to have comes from within and from this solution that he has found.

The hero must also wrap up some elements of the subplot. Whatever is happening in the subplot, he must let it go and use all of his focus to complete the major and most important part of the story — the final confrontation and the climax. For now, he must leave his love interest and take on the evil that has scene plaguing him.

Sometimes, the subplot (or B Story) intersects with the the main story. The hero must apply what he has learned at this point and he must move forward. He knows what he needs to know and he is prepared to move forward with resolve with a second wind, with the power that we all thought he was lacking.

The classic intertwining of the A Story and the B Story is that moment when the audience realizes that he got the clue from the love interest which will help him solve and defeat the evil which will then allow him to fully win the heart of the girl and live happily ever after. Of course, this does not have to happen, but this is what often does happen.

Everything is starting to come together now!

This is also a day to keep moving forward. Make sure that you are on schedule with yourself and make sure that you are still meeting the deadlines from every day. If you are behind somewhere, make sure that you do a sprint. Get the words out as fast as you can and don’t worry about anything else along the way. You have spent a long time keeping your hero motivated, now it is time to keep yourself motivated too. Keep up the good work. By the end of today, we should be at 36,667 words. We are almost there. Nothing can stop you!



Chris Price
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

Writer, Teacher, Baseball Coach, Baseball Junkie, Film Aficionado, Cubs Fan