NaNoWriMo Week 3 Finished: A Novel Excerpt, Enjoy

T. Mark Mangum
Friends of National Novel Writing Month
5 min readNov 23, 2020


Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Monday, 23 November 2020 marks the beginning of the final 9 Days of the November 2020, National Novel Writing Month. I am making progress. I intend however to keep up my schedule through December as My goal, and my intent is to have a completed 1st Draft by the end of 2020.

I feel like I want to show folks some of what I have accomplished so far. Almost to 40,000 words, the story is asking me for more detail in some areas and a revision of that paragraph over there. All in due time the goal, for now, is 50,000 words by 30 November 2020.

Below is a small excerpt from the book.

Andrew and the Cave

Running as fast as he could Andrew took a slight left off the well-worn trail onto a less used path. He had spotted the trail the last time they were here doing battle but had not used it. It appeared a little more worn this time around. Then he saw it! He couldn’t help himself, He came to a dead stop almost falling over himself. On the cliff face there appeared from an overhang fifteen or so feet above a veil of vines that grew thick and hung to the ground. He slowly walked to the closest edge and observed, reaching out, he touched them as he walks in front of them up to the other side. Some were 2 inches in diameter others, not even a quarter inch. This was new, something he had never…



T. Mark Mangum
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

For the serious reader. Short, compelling fiction for the serious reader. I use Imagination, wonder, and surprise to create my tales. Please Enjoy reading them.