Your story matters.

National Novel Writing Month believes that stories matter. And needs your vote.

Grant Faulkner
Friends of National Novel Writing Month
3 min readDec 13, 2015


Stories enable people to practice radical empathy, humanize those we might see as ‘other’, and can dramatically change real world policy.

Our nonprofit programs—including NaNoWriMo, the Young Writers Program, Come Write In, and Camp NaNoWriMo—work to empower diverse voices to tell the stories that are important to them in classrooms, libraries, and communities in more than 200 countries around the world.

Project for Awesome, or P4A, is an annual fundraiser that raises money and awareness for all kinds of nonprofit organizations. We’re in the running for a grant of some of the money raised through P4A, and your vote can help us win.

Last year, we received $25,000 from Project for Awesome — enough to ship novel writing resources to 2,000 classrooms around the world. We need your help to do it again.

Today through 9 AM PST, December 13, your vote can help us win a major contribution to grow our work of making the world a more creative, better place.

Writers from around the country have created videos talking about why NaNoWriMo is important to them. Every time you vote for one of these videos, we get that much closer to bringing the power of creative writing to even more people around the world.

Vote by this Sunday, December 13, to help us support even more writers. It’s simple:

  1. Go to the “National Novel Writing Month” page on the Project for Awesome site.
  2. Click on each video.
  3. Select the “I’m not a robot” check box, then click the big VOTE box.

Please vote for all the NaNoWriMo videos — voting is cumulative! (Want to vote for even more videos? Check out the “NaNoWriMo” page!)

We know that stories can change lives…

NaNoWriMo helps people discover that their stories matter, that they can achieve even more than they thought they could, and that they can build worlds. Your votes will help us keep creating experiences like these:

“The entire 8th grade class of 350 students wrote one million words. More importantly, they found a purpose to their writing, a sense of achievement, and community that they had never felt before.” — Meghann Donohue

“I think sometimes the world limits creativity and NaNoWriMo encourages it. It is okay if your story isn’t perfect; it just needs to be written. You don’t have to be perfect; you only need to try with your best effort. It is a powerful message NaNoWriMo offers to creative minds.” — Caroline Lingaitis

“I know that the novel is the most effective lesson all year long because students tell me so. It’s rare that years after leaving your classroom, a student approaches you and recounts what she remembers about your class. When she does though, it’s the novel she remembers.” — R. Reese Fuller

Students at Emerson Middle School celebrate writing a novel in class.

We can’t do it without you. Vote for NaNoWriMo today. Recommend this post and tell your friends.

Help us change lives.

Grant Faulkner
Executive Director, National Novel Writing Month



Grant Faulkner
Friends of National Novel Writing Month

Executive Director of National Novel Writing Month, co-founder of 100 Word Story, writer, tap dancer, alchemist, contortionist, numbskull, preacher.