The Blood of a Traveller ~ SYNOPSIS

Zed Whisper
Friends of National Novel Writing Month
2 min readDec 7, 2014

Seventeen year old Ashley stumbles across an old diary about portals, hidden in her godfather’s attic. Stranger still is that the book was written by her parents just before they died. In another’s hands, the diary would be useless, but Ash learns that she isn’t like anyone else, not in the Human Terrene anyway. Drawn by curiosity and boredom, Ash follows the instructions in the diary and literally stumbles into another dimension, losing the book and her way back in the process.

The dark, ruggedly handsome Luka is desperate to find a way to defeat Alice, ruler of Subastral, and disband her army. Luka has one motive; revenge. Evil old Alice ‘recruited’ his brother David, forcing him to train past endurance, only to get him killed in one of her power-seeking ploys and Luka wants his revenge. Helplessness frustrates him because although Alice looks like a semi-blind, devout old lady, as a Traveller she has unnatural powers that make her almost invincible. Her greatest asset is her ability to manipulate minds. She has an army of men, women and children following her commands without question. Luka wants to do something but he knows he will fail with a direct rebellion and the last thing he wants is to be on Alice’s radar as a potential ‘recruit.’ But the longer he sits around doing nothing, the more control Alice has over his world; the Subastral.

One day, the power shifts as a curly haired girl enters Subastral, wearing Loony Tune patterned pyjamas. Ash accidentally created a portal taking her to Subastral but she dropped the diary with instructions and has no idea how to return to the Human Terrene. When Luka meets her he thinks she’s mentally unsound until he notices the tattoo on her ankle and takes Ash to see his Aunt.

Aunt Vi recognises Ash immediately, having grown up with Ash’s father, who was also a Traveller. She explains that Ash is one of the last two Travellers alive. Travellers in the past were killed when trialled as witches, and the few remaining were murdered by power-hungry Alice. Now that Ash is in Subastral and on Alice’s radar her life is at risk. If this wasn’t enough to give Ash a panic attack, Aunt Vi drops another bombshell; Ash’s mother is still alive.

Ash, Luka and his eccentric best-friend, Charlie, set off on the search for Ash’s mother. Their journey is rigged with prophecies, storms, deepening friendships and one hot barista.

Meanwhile, Alice’s army is searching for Ash, and as the pressure increases, Ash’s powers rise to the surface. Why is Alice adamant on capturing Ash alive?

Luka will protect his blue-eyed girl no matter the danger, but what if Ash is danger itself?

