How to Purchase NAOS on Uniswap and Logo Competition

Thank you to everyone who supported our highly oversubscribed IDO on Polkastarter! The NAOS Finance governance token will be available for all interested users to purchase on the secondary market.

We have chosen to launch on the most robust Ethereum-based decentralized exchanges and automated market maker, Uniswap. It is highly accessible and always offer deep pools of liquidity for users to get the best trading rates possible.

NAOS tokens will be available for purchase starting at 2:15 PM UTC on April 30, 1.5 hours after the launch of our Polkastarter IDO. For those who want to be involved in the NAOS finance ecosystem, we have created a guide here so you can easily learn how to purchase NAOS tokens on the secondary market.

Buying NAOS on Uniswap

As the largest DEX and AMM by daily trading volume, Uniswap is the exchange of choice for many users. Uniswap is very intuitive to use and only takes a few steps to complete a transaction.

To begin, go to

Step 1: Connect your Ethereum browser wallet to Uniswap. Examples include Metamask, WalletConnect, or Coinbase Wallet, which allow you to interact with the exchange.

Step 2: Once your wallet is connected, make sure you have enough ETH stored in the wallet, as you will need it to purchase NAOS and pay for transaction fees. Gas fees can be quite high depending on the state of the network, so this is an important step.

Step 3: In the main ‘swap’ option, choose the first asset (ETH) and when it prompts you to select a trading pair, input NAOS followed by the amount you would like to purchase. This will automatically populate the amount of Ether you will need to spend to complete this transaction. If you cannot see the NAOS token in the trading pairs, please press Manage at the bottom of the page. Then choose Tokens and insert the NAOS token address “0x4a615bb7166210cce20e6642a6f8fb5d4d044496”.

HERE is the pair: $NAOS <> ETH pair

Step 4: Once you have determined the amount you’d like to trade, click Swap and then Confirm Swap. This will cause your browser wallet to pop up and ask you to officially confirm the transaction. Once you hit confirm on your browser wallet, Uniswap will broadcast the transaction to the network for completion and verification.

Step 5: You are now a proud owner of NAOS tokens — congratulations!

As you can see, Uniswap is a simple and viable option for purchasing NAOS which has a relatively easy and intuitive process that makes it possible for everyday users across the globe to join our ecosystem. Although this is just the beginning, we appreciate the continued support and are excited to see what is in store for the NAOS community!

Wait, There is more….Token Logo Competition!!

We have been thinking of a killer logo to represent $NAOS lately. But then we thought why not let our community design a logo that visualizes the vision we share?

We are thrilled to officially open our Token Logo Making Competition!! 🎉

Design a logo to represent our token in exchanges and other price-tracking websites. How cool would it be to see your creation on all those platforms?

📌 We want a unique logo that fits our visual. Keep in mind, it doesn’t have to be a letter N, guys. Think of a cool icon that people would remember when they see the name NAOS Finance!

Start of Submission: April 30, 2021 FRIDAY 21:00 UTC

End of Submission: May 3, 2021 MONDAY 20:59 UTC

🎁 Prizes:

$100 worth of $NAOS to the TOP 5

additional $500 worth of NAOS to the winning logo which will be used

Submit your entries here:

About NAOS Finance

NAOS Finance is a DeFi lending protocol allowing lenders and SME borrowers to facilitate permissionless and borderless loaning/borrowing transactions on the blockchain. Built on Ethereum, our platform lets users tokenize real-world assets and subsequent lending.

We operate compliantly and legally in top markets around the globe, maintaining safety as a top priority and fostering enhanced trust in the lending/borrowing process.

To remain informed on everything about our project, be sure to visit our website and join the family by following our social media platforms:

Website | Whitepaper | Telegram Announcements Channel | Telegram Community | Discord | Twitter

