How to swap ERC20 NPX to BEP2 NPX

Napoleon Group™
Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2019


Dear Napoleonians, after our listing proposal was approved by Binance DEX validators, we are pleased to announce that our token bridge to swap from ERC20 tokens to BEP2 tokens is ready to use.

WARNING: The bridge is only for NPX token, DO NOT send any other tokens to the bridge. Please note, the Swap will only be in one direction if it goes from ERC20 to BEP2, the token will remain BEP2.

Follow these steps:

Step 1. Please visit the official website of the token bridge at
or go to our website and click on the tab “SWAP

You will see the interface of the token bridge, if you do not have a Binance Chain address, you can click the “Don’t have an account? Create one” button which will redirect to . You can use TrustWallet or anyone who support the BEP2 tokens.

Here is a short video that explains how to create one in case you have some problems.

Step 2. Fill your receiving wallet address in “BNB Address” and click on “NEXT”. Remember must be from ETH registered address.

Step 3. You will need to deposit the NPX ERC20 token from your wallet into the account provided by the token bridge.

You can use Metamask or MEW to do that, and you need to add NPX ERC20 token if you’ve never added NPX before.

Click on “NPX ERC20” button, copy the contract address, and add to “Custom Tokens

The parameters of the smart-contract are the following:

Token Contract Address “ token.napoleonx.eth ”: 0x28b5e12cce51f15594b0b91d5b5adaa70f684a02
Token Symbol: NPX
Decimals of Precision: 2

Here is a video as an example:

Step 4. After you have deposited ERC20 NPX token to the address and the transaction has been sent, click on “NEXT” button and you will see the confirmation page. Within a few hours, you will receive your NPX BEP2 in your BNB wallet.

If I sent 420 NPX ERC20 tokens, 420 NPX BEP2 tokens will be deposited to your Binance Chain address. Within a few minutes, your tokens will be transferred to your BNB wallet & the swap will be completed.

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