Naran’s 2018, the year of growth

Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2018

2018 is a big year for us. Everything is now different from the last several years. Back in 2015, when we just started out with MicroBot Push and Prota, we had no real products in the market. Now we have users and partners all over the world, two real hardware products selling in US, Japan, UK, Germany, France and Korea, 10k visitors to our website every month and near 20k units sold as well as the great team who has gone through the full development cycle of hardware products from a very idea to a real thing being used everyday. Now that we have completely built something from the beginning to the end, we have become much more clear and confident of what we make and what we need exactly.

Our plans

We’d like to share some of our not-too-secret development plans. We decided not to be too ambitious and tried to set realistic goals. Here they are:

  • Release Prota Charles and improve overall usability and stability
  • Launch MicroBot Sense on Kickstarter in March and ship the first batch in June
  • Build a cheaper version of Prota S (called Prota M for now)

That’s it. As much as we love making things, we would like to deliver and make our users happy. So we will be very careful about what we work on. If you’re adventurous, you are always welcome to join our beta program.

MicroBot Sense attached to a backpack
Sense UI

Unlike MicroBot Push, Sense is targeting a wider range of users. Our DIY tech-savvy users love Push, but we admit that it’s a difficult product for typical users; it requires some imagination and creativity to use the device well. MicroBot Sense just works out of the box, and you don’t need to think about how to use it. It monitors your atmosphere, and it gives you recommendations and warnings about the atmosphere based on temperature, humidity, air pressure, noise level, CO2 level, light intensity and so on. It records your weathers and shares with the community (you can opt out from sharing your data). You can find more about the product on our website.


When we talk about growth, we don’t mean revenue. We actually mean our ability to deliver real products to make people happy and more efficient. We want to grow to do that faster and more effectively. We want to build more useful things and make them affordable. We want to deliver them to as many people as possible. We want to fix bugs and solve VoCs as quickly as possible. Improving our products and services as well as ourselves is the single most important goal of 2018.

Stay tuned!



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Developing smart devices and robots for home automation and the Internet of Things. Get to know us at