Prota Care — Our new service to build your smart home effortlessly

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6 min readJun 30, 2017

Introducing Prota Care Service

We are always thriving to find new ways to improve your experience and allow you to get a better life, effortlessly. In that perspective, we are very happy to announce you today the launching of our new service, Prota Care!

What is Prota Care?

Prota Care is a 1-year subscription service that offers personalized suggestions and advice to make your life better. We have developed it to grant you with an easy use of your Prota hub and make sure you can use it to its fullest potential.

A personalized service… With Prota Care, you, the user, is in control. You define your request, what you need and we do the job according to your wishes. And, instead of simply replying to your question, we try to go even further, to show you what you can do, how to better the connection between your devices, how to build your smart home!

…on an ongoing basis… What our service offers is not a one-time interaction but a long-term relationship (1 year) to build your smart home. Why? Because setting up your smart home is like decorating your house, it won’t be done in one go and/or you may change it from time to time. You may indeed add or remove some of your devices therefore modifying your automation rules and consequently your whole smart home as well.
Our commitment is to answer all questions you may have, without any limitation of their number or length.

… to make your life or your loved ones’ easier. By subscribing to our Prota Care Service, you can avoid the trouble of installing your devices and thus, save time and maybe frustration as well as get the know-how to master your Prota hub.
It is also the perfect solution if you bought the Prota hub to ease the life of your aging parents or grandparents. You would want to avoid the time-consuming task of going to their home, installing and setting up all the automation rules if they don’t know how to, which is what a service like Prota Care allows you to do.

Why Prota Care?

We have foundout that some of our users encounter some difficulties when first configuring their Prota hub but also while using it. “How do I create this story?”, “I would like my Microbot Push to run each 120s, how do I do this?”… are common examples of our users’ inquiries.

As the IoT technology is still new for a lot of us, making the most out of it in the first try is not easy, despite online guides and FAQs.
But no worries, it is the same for the majority of current IoT users according to a survey done by International Data Corporation (IDC). Less than a third (31%) of IoT users were confident in saying they could make out of the full capacities of their devices. That’s definitely not a lot of people. And the proportion of users thinking they could use more than what they currently using is larger as seen in the following graph:

Screen Shot 2017-06-29 at 4.34.02 PM

Source: IDC

With the development of IoT, the way companies are providing support may and must be modified to fit the demands and needs of IoT users.
As of now, many companies (IoT or electronic devices) are offering a ‘care’ plan or service that often includes the installation/configuration of the device (performed at home or remotely), a priority access to the support service and sometimes a cover for accidental damage cover.In some companies, the support service is limited to a certain number of interactions depending on the offer (with flat rates) you have chosen beforehand. However, few of them offer you to be accompanied during the time you use their device, except in case of technical issues. This is where Naran go further.

Based on those facts and our personal experience, we thought about creating a service that would allow our users to master their connected devices, thus making out the most of what IoT should really be: a convenient and simple way to make your life better. That is how our ‘Prota Care’ service was born.

What does Prota Care include?

Prota Care includes many services from configuration to support. You will receive at your home your Prota hub already configured and get help from us to install the applications, build the automation rules and solve any issue you may have.

1. Prota Configuration Service

You may have already figured out that you need to configure your Prota before starting using it. With Prota care, we offer you to configure your Prota according to your personal Wifi settings so that you can save time and effort. All you need to do is plug-in.

2. Automation Stories Curator Service

Building a smart home (or smart office) is about creating rules that will run automatically based on pre-configured events. For example, ‘When it is 7:30 am on weekdays, my Microbot Push starts the the coffee maker’. We call those rules, stories. Our Stories App is the powerful automation tool of Prota OS that acts as a home assistant and enable you to create the stories you need.

microbot push automation

However, creating automation rules can be tricky, especially when you are a beginner. Or you may have no idea, or not so many ideas, of what kind of stories you should create to make your life better. With our Automation Stories Curator Service, we offer you to customize your storyline according to your wishes. How? When you subscribe to Prota Care Service, you will get an exclusive access to the topic ‘Stories Writer’ in our Community on

stories writer prota care

There, you can easily get some suggestions of stories from us or other users. You can also ask our Stories Writer team to build the story you need, depending on the IoT devices you own or the services you wish to use to build your smart home or office.

3. App Curator Service

In order to build your home’s or office’s automation stories, you will need to install and configure our applications available on Prota Space such as Email, Telegram, IFTTT… App Curator is the service that will provide you support when you configure those apps. You just need to ask in our topic ‘Stories Writer’.

4. Priority support — response within 24 hours

You might have no question, no bug or no issue when using your Prota, fine! But if you have, with Prota Care, you can benefit from a fast support. We commit ourselves to answer your inquiry within 24 hours, during weekdays (excl. holidays).

Where to buy?

Prota Care Service is available for purchase in our online shop here:

If you have any question regarding Prota Care, please check our FAQs or contact us at

What else?

We are always working to provide you with the best user experience. We will soon be releasing our ProtaMembership Program that will include Prota care but also many other services.



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Developing smart devices and robots for home automation and the Internet of Things. Get to know us at