Derealization, Dissociation, and Delusion

Cluster B Narcissists Dwell in a Different Dimensione


P Pesqueda in Fantasy 2024

People often believe that mentally ill people are out of touch with reality and incapable of functioning in the real world. While parts of this idea may hold truth, it is largely misunderstood..

The mentally impaired person often seesreality so sharply that it cuts them to pieces, and the only solution is to escape into delusion, psychosis, magical thinking, and fantasy. The ability to function is on a spectrum from high to low with high functioning individuals managing their illness while excelling in most areas of life and career while others can do little and are rendered incapable of functioning in ways to even achieve the most basic things.

Understanding the full magnitude of the malfunctioning inner mechanics of the narcissist and psychopath will enable a candid discussion of what that actually means for those of us who are in relationships of some kind with these disordered individuals. Whether they are your mate, your child, or your sibling, these are some basic definitions to help you unerstand the alternate reality of the Cluster B disordered.

Clinical Features of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

  • Shared Fantasy



Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Collaborators
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Collaborators

Published in Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Collaborators

After the discard phase in a relationship with a personality disordered partner, there is severe trauma that can result in PTSD and other life altering turmoil. Recovery can be painfully slow with dysregulated brain chemicals, a physiological response, addiction, and more.

Prajinta Pesqueda
Prajinta Pesqueda

Written by Prajinta Pesqueda

Educator, aspiring humanist, composer of words. Survivor, warrior, healer, believer. Contact me at

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