Flesh Arcade

The Somatic Narcissist’s Distorted, Demented, Deranged World of Decadent Sex and Objectification


The interior landscape of a person afflicted with narcissistic personality disorder is not ordered or constellated. Somatic narcissism is a documented psychological disorder listed in the DSM-5 in which a person becomes obsessed with his or her beauty, charisma, and sexuality which makes them irresistible.

Narcissists and psychopaths dissociate (erase memories) continuously and are amnesiac (can’t remember) because their contact with the world and with others is via a fictitious construct: the false self. Narcissists never experience reality directly but through an alternate distorting lens whether it be darkly or rose-colored or kaleidoscopic. They discard anything and anyone that challenges their grandiose self-perception and the narrative they construct to justify their antisocial, selfish, immature, and exploitative behaviors, choices, and eccentricities. These petty little tyrants wreak havoc wherever they go.

The opportunist narcissist’s fascination with their appearance, sex, and supernatural powers of seduction is epic. While they may often be intelligent and clever, their energies are spent manipulating others with their weapons of mass seduction. They are opportunists of the highest order who always…



Prajinta Pesqueda
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Collaborators

Educator, aspiring humanist, composer of words. Survivor, warrior, healer, believer. Contact me at Narc2Thrive@gmail.com