Are You The Most Dangerous Empath?


We all know that Narcissists can be dangerous.. but would you want to cross you if someone screwed you over?

It’s been weeks since I last wrote. It’s been the most incredible journey working and interacting with clients, and I be working in the Domestic Violence field so this will also be a challenging space.

Over the coming months I will most likely be phasing out the one on one interactions, to move into a more collaborative membership site. This is currently in development to include resources on Narcissists and Narcissistic Abuse — along with access to a course, journal prompts and videos. I will keep you posted on this. If you are interested in going on the waiting list please email me at with the subject Wait List for Membership Site.

Have you ever wondered if there is another side to you?

We all have multiple facets, masks if you will, that we put on when we are with different people. The person that you show to your parents may be very different to the one that you show to your friends.. and let’s not forget the persona that we show to our employer.

But what about the mask that we wear when we are living with the Narcissist?

For many of us Empaths, we wear the people-pleasing passive mask. We do what we’re told, when to do it, not making a sound or questioning the order. We speak when we’re spoken to, and only talk back if we are feeling brave enough.



Recover From Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Hi I'm Annette, counsellor and expert on Narcissistic Abuse. Mother of 2. Advocate for victms-survivors of DV.