Is the Narcissist Your Soulmate?


The narcissist may be your soul mate, but it doesn’t mean they are the one for you.

Photo by Ryan Holloway on Unsplash

It’s not uncommon to hear from clients that they feel like the narcissist is their soulmate, or the ONE.

Get ready because I’m about to blow your mind.

The Narcissist is NOT THE ONE.

Fun fact about me, in 1998 I started reading Tarot Cards. In fact, over the years (more than 25) I practiced spiritual growth, and read the tarot cards and did mediumship professionally. I even started a side hustle working in markets and expos, and eventually worked for myself part time whilst having a ‘real job’. Eventually I did tarot readings in a beautiful shop that was New Age Based, however the Universe had other things in store for me.

So here I am now, talking about Narcissistic Abuse.

Story for another time.


So, part of the work I did over the years while I was involved with New Age Spirituality, was lead intuitive reading groups and talk about growth and spirituality. When Covid hit in 2020, I decided it was a great time to stop doing what I do and pursue my passion. In Narcissistic Abuse Recovery.

Like I said, a story all in itself.



Recover From Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Hi I'm Annette, counsellor and expert on Narcissistic Abuse. Mother of 2. Advocate for victms-survivors of DV.