Spotting a Genuine Apology from a Narcissist- 3 Most Prominent Signs


If there even is such thing as a genuine apology from a narcissist

is there even such thing as a genuine apology from a narcissist
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Have you ever apologised for doing or saying something, but not actually mean it?

Most of us have done a fake apology at least more than a handful of times. However, this doesn’t make you a bad person.

I recently experienced my own fake apology. I tried to, what I thought, apologise for something that I said to someone who had disrespected my boundaries.

When they said that what I said hurt them, I told them I was sorry. But in reality, I wasn’t sorry at all. I was standing up for myself, and I meant what I said as harsh as it may have sounded.

This may be different, because by nature I am actually a very agreeable person, however I am also vocal if I am treated in poor way. So really, am I just letting confidence come through? However If I genuinely hurt someone, I would acknowledge that I did, apologize for what I said and vow not to do it again. With sincerity.

So unlike those of us who actually can show empathy, a narcissist does not have the ability to show or feel empathy at all. Their apologies can involve denial and blame shifting.



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Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Hi I'm Annette, counsellor and expert on Narcissistic Abuse. Mother of 2. Advocate for victms-survivors of DV.