GraphQL concepts I wish someone explained to me a year ago [Series Update]

Naresh Bhatia
Naresh Bhatia
Published in
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1 min readDec 24, 2018

First off, thanks so much to all of you who subscribed this week. I’m trying something new — this is my first newsletter and I’m looking forward to your feedback as we go along.

We’ve covered a lot of ground this week in GraphQL. We’re now more than half way through our series.

Did you download the source code for graphql-bookstore?

If you haven’t yet, it’s OK. Each part of the series is tagged with a git tag. You can run the full application using the instructions below:

git clone
cd graphql-bookstore
# ----- In shell 1 -----
cd apollo-bookstore-server
yarn dev
# ----- In shell 2 -----
cd apollo-bookstore-client
yarn start

And now you’re almost ready to go fully offline…

Have you queued up all the articles before your holiday trip?

I know it always takes me some time to get organized before traveling. Here are links to each part of the series, in case you missed one:

If you’re already caught up to this point…

You’re an example to all of us :) I’d love to get your questions and comments.

Coming up next, we have mutations (client implementation), and subscriptions. Stay tuned!

Until then, happy computing and happy holidays.


