Narikaa... Now I Know
Narikaa — Infertility
3 min readMar 13, 2020

Are you someone struggling to get pregnant? Well, you need to know about the ovulation time for planning your pregnancy perfectly. Knowing your fertile window will help to make your chances of pregnancy more successful.

Ovulation is a part of the normal menstrual cycle, where the egg releases from the ovary, travels in the fallopian tube and reached the uterus. It happens approximately 14th day of your periods. However, it varies depending on the hormonal level. It is significant to track the ovulation because the egg can be alive only for a day. Only if, there are live sperms in the fallopian tube during this time, it will increase the chances of getting pregnant. However, sperm can live up to 3–5 days. By knowing the fertile window, it is possible for the egg to get fertilised with 12–24 hours after ovulation.

Ways for testing ovulation:

Cervical mucus:

At the time of ovulation, you will get raw egg white discharge. This is pretty healthy and normal. It indicates ovulation and in fact, this discharge helps to enrich the sperm to swim faster to reach fallopian tube. In case, if you feel pungent smell or itching in your discharge, it might be because of infection and consult your doctor.

Basal body temperature:

The surge of progesterone hormone after ovulation will increase the basal body temperature. It is the temperature of your body at rest. Best detected in the morning after waking up and when you are still in the bed. A constant rise in temperature for a few days will tell you that you have just ovulated.

Ovulation strip:

Just like pregnancy strip, ovulation strip will determine whether you have ovulated or not by detecting the luteinizing hormone in the urine. You will have an increased level of luteinising hormone in your body before 24–36 hours of ovulation. Also, the saliva test is helpful as your saliva will have increased salty concentration at the time of ovulation due to the increased level of estrogen hormone. Collecting a sample of saliva and viewing it under the microscope will give a hint on ovulation by having more spikes and hives.

Ovulation calculator:

Many applications in the smartphone are available nowadays to approximately tell you about the ovulation time. Being sexually active during this time will increase the chances of pregnancy.

Likewise, it is possible to track your ovulation. In fact, you might have seen increased mood during a certain period of a month. This is because of hormonal actions and the ovulation is one such time. All these ways will help to raise the probability of your pregnancy possibilities.

