Anurag Mishra Poetry Collection

Anurag Mishra, India

Narratio Archive
2 min readApr 2, 2016


I’m Anurag,

I’m a musician, wanderer, and a writer. I’ve always been a voracious reader but never felt the need to write, until the poems found me nearly an year ago, and I’ve been writing ever since. I admire simplicity but I like complexity too. This internal dissonance has always been, and with the writing it was no different, I find immeasurable peace in nature, and I’m constantly wandering alone to places I’ve never been to. I love writing about it and nature is a frequent theme in my poems. I love reading and I hope I can write enough to give back. I like tea and I think the universe is conscious, I believe in kindness and I think there’s much more to life than meets the eye.


I look over my shoulders and make sure I’m alone,
I peel away the night sky slowly and smile at the easy success
And continue in and inhale the dark,
It used to be so difficult before, the sky just wouldn’t give
But now the sky knows me as her own
Endless times she’s seen me bleed.

There’s a hall, in a place time cannot reach,
of all the songs I didn’t make
And all the poems I didn’t write
The hours of love we didn’t made make smoke angels with horns on the walls there,
The demons of my heart roar in despair,
of all the love lost
oh of all the love lost.
But there’s another hall
or well room rather, the one with you in it.
The one with my peace.

I am here disconnected,
Or maybe away from the illusion of being connected,
And nothing moves here,
Or maybe just not for me,
Maybe I should ask the sky again for answers,
And wait.
And wait.
And wait.

