
Exploring Myself in different phases of Life

Am I on my right track?

The question, I asked to myself to keep me motivating throughout the passage of my life, hard or challenging, the answer to myself ”yes” gratifies all of my inner frustration.

I set my own goals; I always take decision of my life,myself, then muster up courage to go for it & Alhumdulilah! always guided by Allah.

I remember back in my childhood in my home country, living in Islamabad city, a young little innocent, shy, timid school girl, with a lot of desires in heart but lack of confidence due to dull atmosphere of school & then the college, I felt unconfident. This wasn’t what I had wanted, I started thinking there was something wrong with me.

Then I decided to change the course of my life, I struggled to get things what I wanted to do, I then, in my last year of college awarded with a Sash of “President of English Society” and passed with surprisingly good division.

I, then, moved to my hometown, Lahore & desire to do higher studies when all of my family were pushing me to get marry as per our cultural value.

A photo from my photoshoot portfolio

I fortunately got admission in University of the Punjab in Masters in Communication Studies, from where my journey as a journalist started, My interest inevitably developed in media, As I was class rep, I remained constantly in contact with professors, visiting lecturers, media person from different channels that’s when I developed my self confidence, due to that I got the chance to do internship in Radio Pakistan.

As we were moving towards our final projects, I was offered a role of Model in one of my friend’s advertising final project, as Fashion is my ultimate interest, It appealed me, I worked with professional photographer & made my own portfolio.

At the end of degree, I was offered to work in city-based channel & then got a chance to work with Pakistan’s popular Geo TV.

At that point of time I were more worried about earning good rather than about my career due to merely my family was going through a financial stress.

I moved to Dubai in search of a job, tried to continue my career in media, but hard luck pushed me into collection job in banking sector. Yea! I started earning but couldn’t be able to go on my right track due to my circumstances, I then got offer to join UAE leading Mashreq Bank, I was glad it will add up to my profile, but sadly not to my personality.

I was mentally suffering, same routine, nothing new to learn, no growth, I started thinking this is not the right track I am going on, I am probably wasting my talent here. I then realized the need to go back to media field, In that period of time, By the Grace of Allah I earned enough to able to study abroad, lived a good life style, a chance to explore the world, I have traveled to ten countries so far & counting …

But one thing I was missing in my life was ‘The Right track’, I was still at my corporate job living in total conflict with my core values, As for me, when the lie became so blatantly obvious, I accepted who I am & go for my decision to study abroad to give my talent a right direction & chance to myself to restart my career in media.

I quit my cushy job & traveled to UK, 2nd September, with the feeling of excitement & nervousness, the moment of waving my hand to my parents on airport, leaving them first time ever was a message to now be completely independent. That decision was not easy as I was the first girl in my whole family who make it to study abroad all alone. But as Allah was always with me, I have a full trust on him; will be with me in upcoming phases of my life.

