Get ready to embark on the “Trip of a Lifetime”: Doctor Who: 15 Years of “New Who” — A Whovian Celebration (feat. Russell T Davies)


“Do you wanna come with me?”

Whovians unite! Get ready to celebrate and reminisce as a new documentary that is set to be released rewinds right back to 2005 as Doctor Who fans share their fondest and most unforgettable memories of watching from behind the sofa as “New Who” turns 15.

Coming to BBC One and BBC iPlayer in January 2020, a feature-length documentary from the creative mind of TV producer Ben Woolman chronicles the highlights of each Doctor’s tenure (Nine to Thirteen) since 2005, alongside their most iconic and captivating moments, their “bright and shining” companions and the most nefarious monsters that they faced off against, from the Daleks and the Cybermen, to the Weeping Angels and the Vashta Nerada.

The fans (the so-called “Children of the Revival’’) who grew up with the 2005 reboot share their memories of each era of the show: the moments that made them laugh, the moments that made them cry; and the moments when they cowered in fear, both in front of and behind the sofa.

“Under David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor, the show was at its ultimate height of popularity. This was the peak for the whole UK audience, it became mainstream, British Saturday-night primetime drama that everybody was watching, everybody was talking about.” — Elliot Smith

Accompanied by archive footage of many of those classic moments, the fans, including former showrunner and head writer Russell T Davies, candidly reveal why they remain so loyal to and captivated by a series that is forever evolving and regenerating and what it is that they love about it so much. What does Doctor Who mean to them? And what do they think the future holds for the show in light of its recent milestone?

“There’s now a body of knowledge of Doctor Who that’s greater than my mind can take in. That’s exactly the way it should be. So that’s very exciting, it will never stop.” — Russell T Davies

Former Doctor Who showrunner and head writer Russell T Davies (2005–2010)

This thought-provoking and nostalgia-evoking documentary will take you on “the trip of a lifetime” to discover what Whovians love and cherish so much about Doctor Who.

“I just think there’s not many other shows like it, not many shows that contribute as much to British identity as Doctor Who does. So, yeah, the show means a lot to me.” — Tian Bunyan

An introduction from Ben Woolman, Producer.

“When I set out into the world of TV production, I knew I would inevitably want to pay homage to the show that had inspired me all those years ago and continues to inspire me to this day.

While I was fully aware that the relationship between Doctor Who and the documentary genre had been, more or less, done to death, I saw there was still new ground to be broken when it came to the new series.

Where previous documentaries had focused on the production figures behind the series and notable celebrity fans and often discussed the classic and new series as a unified whole, I wanted to produce something that put the perspective on the ordinary fans, like myself, who watched the episodes week-on-week, year-on-year in total awe and dedication.

I also wanted to focus completely on the new series because while it is a continuation of the original series, in the same way it is a completely different programme and was many fans’, including my own, introduction to the show.

And because of this comprehensiveness, its 15th anniversary will likely largely go unacknowledged, which I think for a TV series, especially a revival of an existing one, in this day and age, is an extraordinary achievement and is well worth celebrating.

I think that this focus on the ordinary fans has produced something very emotionally raw and candid. Doctor Who means something very different to each and every fan and there are some very poignant and sincere viewpoints expressed throughout this documentary that prove once and for all what an exceptionally special show it really is.

Getting Russell T Davies on board was an unexpected bonus, but it was a wonderful way to round off this documentary’s celebration and bring it full circle by featuring the man who was responsible for bringing it back to TV in the first place.

I am very proud of what I have produced in this documentary. It comes straight from the heart and soul, from my passion and adoration for the show, and I hope the fans, old and new, will join me in celebrating its enduring and perpetuating legacy on this very special anniversary, alongside its upcoming and highly-anticipated twelfth series.”

“All of time and space, everything that ever happened and ever will. Where do you wanna start?”

So, do you wanna come with us? Then strap yourselves in, set your Type 40 TARDIS on course for 2005 and join us for the trip of a lifetime, one that you’re unlikely to ever forget. “Allons-y!”

“Timey-Wimey stuff…”

As part of the anniversary celebrations, 15 Years of New Who — A Whovian Celebration will be airing as a full-length 45-minute documentary preceding the first episode of the show’s 12th series, due to premiere in mid-January on BBC One.

The full-length version exclusively includes contributions from Russell T Davies (not included in the BBC iPlayer versions).

It will also be available as a three-part 15-minute version on BBC iPlayer from 1st January 2020 with each part focusing on one of the show’s three respective production eras: Russell T Davies (2005–2010); Steven Moffat (2010–2017) and Chris Chibnall & the Future(2018-present).

This will enable fans to pick and choose between their preferred era or watch the documentary as one whole, in the true spirit of time travel.

