Public raises their concerns over budget 2018 cuts proposed by Birmingham City Council

Hafsa Naveed
2 min readJan 13, 2018


Birmingham City Council held a public meeting on Wednesday, at Council House to discuss their concerns on #BrumBudget18 proposals. There was a strong criticism from public in Q&A session in the meeting on the cuts to the city’s budget this year.

The leader of City Council told, the council has saved more than £642 million since 2010 but now needs to find further savings of £54 million for 2018/19. But If government continues on the numbers they have given us then we’ll have to make a further 11 million pounds cuts from now till 2020.

Due to the austerity measures been implemented by the government, we are in a difficult place regarding the revenue budget but we are palnning to use our assets in a way to have minimum effects on citizens for the coming years.

The public raised questions on austerity, adult social care, closing of nurseries, poor day care conditions, Commonwealth games funding, jobs insecurity and an increase in the council tax.

The leader of City Council, Ian Ward spoke on the tax:

Cllr Ian ward clip on increase in the budget tax available on soundcloud

The residents complained of inadequate resources and homelessness in the public meeting on which Deputy Leader Councillor Brigid Jones answered:

“Birmingham has adopted its homelessness strategy, our teams will go to the families and try to help in saving thier properties so they donot have to evict it.”

Also raised at the meeting was the issue of pollution and poor air quality.

Lisa Trickett, Councillor for Clean Streets, Recycling and Environment said:

“Clean air is a basic human right. We have already discussed our proposals with the government on air quality. Equally we need to work with citizens to ensure that every child, every community has the right to clean air.”

Majid Mahmood, Cabinet Member for Commercialism, Commissioning andContract Management encouraged the use of public transport for the improvement in air quality.

Cllr Majid Mahmood clip on public transporet available on soundcloud

The councillors at the meeting recommended the use of ballot boxes as it is the most effective way to stand for their rights. They said, good work will translate when the results will come out.

Until Monday 15th January 2018, the public consultation being carried out on how it proposes to make these savings and asking people to have their say on ‘Birmingham be heard’.

Details of the budget proposals can be found at Birmingham City Council website.



Hafsa Naveed

Graduating in Multiplatform and Mobile Journalism at #BCU