Short version media

Natasa Korfiotou
1 min readOct 13, 2018


This short piece of media is a tweet from the Sun newspaper. The tweet structure is simple and written in present sense, headlining the tittle of the article with enough information to understand but not enough to intrigue you to click on the link and watch it.

The article along with the picture make Marks and Spenser the main subject as it used as a main element , due to the fact that is a well known brand store rather than just a small local.

There are few positives about this tweet. It summaries well in few characters the whole purpose of the article. Therefore it could be written is a better way if it had more detailed information in it . For example what type of clothing? t-shirt ? A dress? Why did people got mad? Because of the price?

The lack of information can be mislead as by reading it , only referring the price of the uniform and not of the actual type of clothing which was the main element of the actual article.

