Social media and Short Form Media 10 of my examples.

Within this short blog I shall explain some of the social media posts that I created as part of this weeks directed study.


The first is below and is a commentary take using a gif for more engagement . Critically whilst it does some things correctly in terms of timing of the tweet, the use of a gif and doesn’t read like a headline it isn’t perfect. For example I probably could tag the government twitter account and the text isn’t written in a narrative manner.

Saying that I feel that it wouldn’t necessary work as a narrative as is less of a story more of a social commentary so is not meant to be a promotional piece but more of a friendly one so my account doesn’t purely become promotional but has a little curation. I created it too highlight my thoughts on an issue to my social audience and used an age appropriate gif/meme as a result of most of my audience being younger professionals.

In terms of how I did it I simply used the in-built gifs available and found one suitable for my target audience but also that was instantly understandable with a quick glance.


My second tweet (currently scheduled for prime time Thursday ) was designed using emoji’s as a fun little way to promote my ongoing radio show guests. Using last weeks slides as inspiration I created an emoji fact file for my guests as they suit the sort of cheeky guessing game feeling I wanted to reflect.

I created it by simply picking the emoji’s for the words I wanted to represent before tagging in my station to name the subject. It sort of does have a narrative structure in terms of I have written it with an intro ‘on this weeks show’ then the body is the emoji fact file and finally the coda at the end of Tune in which is itself a call to action. I have also hash tagged two relevant tags. Whilst it doesn’t include any images I feel this is justified as they would detract from the emoji’s impact however a link of where to listen too the broadcast in the tweet maybe helpful.


My third tweet used a gif again as a way of pushing a particular theme it was easy to do using similar techniques to the 1st post with the inbuilt gif generator on twitter before adding a brief comment and hashtags.

Again this post was more of a personal connecting post less of a promotional driven post to add to my profile as was offering my thoughts on a currently progressing news story. Tagging perhaps could have been done of Little mix perhaps to improve it but quotes and figures wouldn’t fit that well. It was timed again at around 5 so would sort of fit the scrolling businessman on his commute.

4 and 5.

Intro, Hook and Resolution and Intro to twist methods.

These two tweets are both a lot more promotionally based in terms of promoting news stories that I feel are important and relevant to my platform. The first took a quick read of the article before finding the points that could be turned into an introduction , hook and resolution so not written like a headline. The second tweet again was formed using the same method of reading the article to digest some of the key points that could be used in an intro and twist method.

Both of these had links to the stories as well as pictures to provide two well known ways of engaging with content as well as fitting into ongoing conversations with the use of hashtags. There is a possibility of switching these up with quotes from the article or figures on crime and spiking however.


This is an example of a Instagram post I put out yesterday it utilises visuals in the form of a video clip from zoom but put into a much more visually appealing format for the primary phone viewing environment of Instagram. It also features branding from the radio station and the caption features both tags and hashtags.

The caption in addition to the post has a structure of an intro into what we talked about in the video and then a coda at the end in terms of what Landel’s latest work was as well. Within the title I also featured a call to action and interview titling guidelines so that it was an informative title.

I think to make this better it may be valid to try perhaps a shorter version that is tried on twitter as well in terms of some-people still seeing that 4 minutes is too long to watch a video for , for example.

7. Instagram story series.

On these I hoped to write in both a visually appearing fashion but also have the element of scrolling through pages of a book for this short story that would fit as an Instagram story. It has a narrative structure of main body pieces split into sections with subheadings and uses an image in the background to provide a more engaging experience. Whilst it hasn’t been uploaded to Instagram it could certainly have names added via @ symbols in the story as well as music to accompany this story which is all about the music. It certainly also has a beginning and end.

Other social platforms could also use this eg snapchat , twitter if written as more of updates to the story. Maybe using more quotes and figures may also be beneficial.


This meme is designed for more of a personal character like tweet and uses the idea of a meme to again demonstrate this idea as from the 9 tips for social media in last weeks slides. Perhaps it may be useful too name somebody I know in the industry to connect more.

9. Quick Infographic.

Designed for Twitter/ Facebook.

10. Another two memes.



Samuel Wood
Narrative — from linear media to interactive media

A Radio Broadcaster based in Birmingham currently on a Masters in media production specialising in Radio.