Transmedia and my project

So to stop this before it even begins, my project has little application to the theory of transmedia. It is a written review, a video review and twitter post about the videogame Death Stranding. Despite this I have still tired to apply some of the concepts to it and applied it to the design sheet.

With the graph, I have given the project some aspect of “real world” in that it will be dated based off of the game’s release but also in that it has plenty of celebrities lending their likenesses or acting in the game as characters. of course the “story” aspect is towards the top as the whole point of the reviews is to convey the narrative of my views and experiences of the game.

Transmedia is described as “a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Ideally, each medium makes its own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story.” (Jenkins and Jenkins, 2009). This concept in more simpler terms is where a narrative is spread out between content platforms with each platform focusing on a certain aspect. So where a tv show will have the main narrative on the tv, it’s expanded narrative will be on social media or in books where consumers can still interact and consume the narrative. In the case of social media, consumers can feel like they are part of the narrative world.

However my work is only consumable and not so much intractable aside from readers and viewers leaving comments. But even if they were to do so it would have no impact on the work as it would of already been done and unless there was a massive backlash, would not be changed.

After some light research, I believe that my work falls more under “multiplicity” than transmedia by applying the concept of how “ Multiplicity allows fans to take pleasure in alternative retellings, seeing the characters and events from fresh perspectives” (Jenkins and Jenkins, 2009). By taking this quote and applying it, my belief is that by having consumers read and/or watch the review they will be still engaging with the work but in alternate formats. Still the same work in essence but consumed differently. Oliver Brown backs this up by stating “ Media multiplicities are networks of independent media entities that work together to form a single media entity” (Bown and Ferguson, 2018).


Bown, O. and Ferguson, S. (2018). Creative Media + the Internet of Things = Media Multiplicities. Leonardo, [online] 51(1), pp.53–54. Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2019].

Jenkins, H. and Jenkins, H. (2009). The Revenge of the Origami Unicorn: Seven Principles of Transmedia Storytelling (Well, Two Actually. Five More on Friday) — Henry Jenkins. [online] Henry Jenkins. Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2019].

