We all want answers

Undersheriff Kevin McMahill of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police department said “we all want answers”

The attack on a Las Vegas country music festival is considered the deadliest mass shooting in recent US history. After Stephen Paddock smashed out the windows of a high-floor suite on the Las Vegas Strip and opened fire on a crowd of unsuspecting concertgoers, authorities still are trying to understand what drove him to such evil?

This news story published on BBC News now putting the spotlight on the question, immediately arising in everybody’s mind after this incident happened is, Why did he do it?

Police said they have “looked at everything” but have yet to determine why Paddock went on a shooting rampage.

“We have looked at everything, literally, to include the suspect’s personal life, any political affiliation, his social behaviors, economic situation, and any potential radicalization that so many have claimed,” said Kevin McMahill, undersheriff of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

“We all want answers,” he told reporters on Friday.

The headline and sub-head set the tone. Although this story detailed the efforts made by police & investigators to find out the reason, the Gunman’s activities before the event and how this incident is different than many of the ones in the past.

The Characters in this story are not only the police, investigators, authorities, researchers or FBI but also the survivors of that event especially the families of those victims who still needs the answer.

The other characters can be Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley, Eric Paddock, the suspect’s brother, who are possible suspects and police is trying to get the clues from them.

There does not seem to be a physical setting within this news, But, the spot where the actual shooting occurred and Paddock’s Mandalay Bay suite, His home as the investigators are trying to get the proves from there, or possibly the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department or University of Alabama criminologist, FBI office where they are conducting the research.

The picture below can be used as a good example of the setting in this news story

Setting — (Place: where the action of story taking place, Time: when is taking place)

The curiosity of the characters in this news story sets the movement that keeps the reader continue reading till end to know whether the question is answered, Not getting the answer yet creates the fear or the feeling of uncertainty/insecurity that it could be happen to anyone, anywhere as the reasons are still untold. For the police to give some evidences, their information about on going search & how they are conducting leads to an expectation to get some results out of it in near future.

