Narrative Reflections

John DeRosa
Narrative Exploration
2 min readNov 13, 2015

What I’m reading: Finlayson, J. G. (2005). Habermas: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.

As reflected by Cobb, “Habermas provides a normative foundation for practicing deliberation. He has argued that the quality of the discourse in the public sphere impacts directly on the quality of democracy (Cobb, p. 148).”

“He developed a theory of communicative action (Habermas, 1985a; 1985b) in an effort to connect features of communication or discursive processes to his critical project, “emancipation,” which in turn rests on his distinction between communicative and strategic action (Cobb, p. 149).”

Cobb, S. (2013). Speaking of violence: The politics and poetics of narrative in conflict resolution. Oxford University Press.

What I’m watching: Dr. Sara Cobb and the Narrative Practice. The U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem conducted an interview with Dr. Cobb and about her experience after she met with local professionals working in the field of Conflict Resolution.

What I’m listening to: Dr. Sarah Federman on Narrative Practice. This short radio interview with the Association for Conflict Resolution and Dr. Federman will introduce you to the narrative approach and two practices that will help practitioners start today.

What am I pondering: As I am building on parts and pieces of thoughts toward my dissertation proposal, I’ve been wrestling with the propositions of Kubiak’s War Narrative. In particular, I am considering what is the narrative architecture of the future of nuclear weapons in the United States? Who has the normative and cognitive authority to participate in the nuclear weapons policy discourse?

Who I met or who I’d like to meet next: John Winslade. Thanks to my narrative mentor and PhD advisor, Dr. Sara Cobb, I was introduced to narrative scholar and practitioner Dr. John Winslade. Winslade teaches at my alma mater California State University, San Bernardino (Economics ‘98 and National Security Studies ‘01). For such a small school, I’ve been excited to meet such an influential narrative scholar and practitioner.

In addition to Practicing Narrative Mediation, I’ve used his insights from “Narrative Conflict Coaching my own research on narrative braiding in Syria and Iraq.

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John DeRosa
Narrative Exploration

Architect of Meaning & Action | Affiliated Faculty @GeorgeMasonU | Veteran Iraq & Balkans