12 Side Hustles to Create More Income Streams in 2021

How to generate an extra $2-$5K per month.

Katy Velvet
The Narrative
Published in
9 min readJan 2, 2021


When COVID-19 hit, a lot of our financial situations changed. Whether you lost your job or decided to become better at saving money, having a side hustle is one of the best ways to pay off your debt.

On top of my full-time job, I currently have a few side hustles that have helped grow my retirement savings. Some of them have even started generating passive income.

A good side hustle is flexible and pays well for the work you're providing. However, some require a little bit more commitment than others depending on how much you are planning on making.

Why I Decided To Invest in a Side Hustle

When I decided to quit my stable job 2 years ago, I told myself I was going to pursue what I’ve always to do: work in the entertainment industry. But I knew that it wasn’t just going to fall into my lap. I had to hustle my way through blood, sweat and tears.

The reason why I couldn’t stay at my job while pursuing this path is because I was picking up a lot of last minute, on-call work initially. Which meant that I couldn’t just keep calling in sick or mingle with my new contacts just to let them know that I was only available on occasion. No, I



Katy Velvet
The Narrative

Freelance writer with a lifetime of stories about mental health, gender inequality and an incurable obsession with cats.